Wilderness 50

What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

Since the election on November 8, I have been asked countless times “what is the Sierra Club going to do to protect our environment?”  And this: “What can I do to prevent our natural resources and climate to be devastated by actions of the Trump Administration?”  The simple answer is to RESIST.  We simply cannot allow this new reality become acceptable.…

My Article in the Sierra Club's California/Nevada Wilderness Committee Newsletter Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

I am extremely honored that an article that I wrote appeared in the Words of the Wild Newsletter of the Sierra Club’s California/Nevada Wilderness Committee on page 10. If you care to read it, click here and you’ll go to the full newsletter and check out page 10.  There are also many other wonderful pieces here including one by Bruce…

Canyonlands National Park, Southern Utah. October 23-28, 1998

Canyonlands National Park, October 23 – 28, 1998 Friday, 10/23/98. 7:15 PM A small crescent of moon is glowing over the black ridge of rock not far from us. Other large rock formations are silhouetted against an increasingly dark sky. The first stars are out and it won’t be long until it is very dark. And as the stars arrive…

Absaroka Wilderness, Montana August 1 -10, 1989

Absaroka Wilderness, Montana August 1 -10, 1989 In 1988 about a million acres of Yellowstone National Park (about one third of the Park) was burned in a series of huge forrest fires. The next year, my friend Jeff and I decided to hike in the area to see what the area now looked like. We hiked 75 miles from east…

Glacier Peak Wilderness: Northern Cascade Mountains in Northern Washington State Friday, August 7th, 1987. About 4:30 PM

Vista Ridge – The sun warms my back.  A gentile mountain breeze blows from behind me and I feel it caress the back of my ears and through the hair on the underside of my legs.  I hear it sway the tree tops.  An occasional bug buzzes by.  The purple lupine and other white wild flowers blanket the meadows above…

The High Uintas Wilderness, Northeastern Utah 1990 and 2013

Sunday morning July 29, 1990  6:50 AM.  42 degrees The sun is creeping down the ridge to the west.  A pot of water is on the stove. Jeff’s still in the sack. A light breeze is blowing.  Swift Creek is flowing by us making the usual creek noise. Up the valley the sound of a waterfall or rapids is a…

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