The Tide is Finally Changing?

There is so much exciting news occurring right now that I look forward to sharing with you.  Over the next couple of weeks I will be sending out this information that I hope will convince you that things are finally beginning to change the tide for meaningful and immediate action to prevent the worst consequences of global climate disruption.

Let me start with last Sunday’s Climate March in New York City in case you missed this news.  When the Sierra Club began to get involved in supporting this march last spring we were determined to turn out at least 100,000 people.  We alone sent over 600 buses to NYC full of marchers.  I rode one of three from Chicago.  There were also train cars and many, many private cars full of folks that all arrived to support the effort.  In all over 1000 organizations helped sponsor the March and while the NYC police were anticipating about 30,000 people, over 400,000 showed up to have their voices heard!  It was an amazing experience of which to be apart!  

Here’s the report from Mike Brune, Executive Director of Sierra Club…

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Executive Update – People’s Climate March
I’ve been sending out these updates for a few months now, and it seemed time to do something a bit different. (Not to mention there was a gathering over the weekend in New York City – perhaps you’ve heard?) My deepest appreciation goes out to all the volunteers, supporters, and staff who helped make the People’s Climate March a huge success.
Officers Resized

Sierra Club Officers at the March:  Lane Boldman, Secretary:  Spenser Black, VP: David Scott, President

With 400,000+ attendees, this was the largest climate march in history and the largest gathering of Sierra Club members ever. Read our one-page recap and, for the “big picture,” take a look at some impressive aerial footage. I’ve also included a selection of links to media coverage at the end of this message.
I especially want to share with you, as a key supporter, what’s next:

  • We will leverage momentum from the march in a variety of ways, starting with immediate online actions to add pressure to strengthen the President’s Clean Power Plan at the federal level, and for each state to take ambitious steps.
  • We will continue and build upon the unprecedented collaboration between participating groups and have already begun that conversation. Monday morning in New York City, 32BJ (an SEIU local) hosted a debrief and planning meeting among core partner organizations.
  • In the 13 states closest to the march and beyond, our organizing model supported state teams who turned out tens of thousands via 500+ buses and on every form of public transit into New York City. We are providing resources for many of those teams to hold follow-up events in October in each of those states.
  • In coming months, our International Campaign will increase its profile, pressuring President Obama and other heads of state to set ambitious emissions reduction targets and ensure all communities have access to resources to build their resiliency. We will also compile a rigorous evaluation of the event, including lessons learned.

As always, our work could not be accomplished without the generous support of environmental champions like yourself. Thank you for your time and contributions.
Michael Brune
Sierra Club Executive Director
PS: If you’d like more in-depth information about anything I’ve mentioned here, please let me know, and I will connect you with the best person to respond.

Select Media Clips
USA Today: ‘Largest-ever’ climate-change march rolls through NYC
Politico: Greens: Climate march shatters record
The Nation: The People’s Climate March Was Huge, but Will It Change Everything?
PBS News Hour: Thousands come out for People’s Climate March in New York City
Mashable: 18 Witty Signs and Costumes From the People’s Climate March

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