Tag: cheaper power

Oil, Utilities Fight to Fuel Vehicles of the Future

Oil, Utilities Fight to Fuel Vehicles of the Future

“While electric-vehicle adoption remains small globally, and is expected to rise gradually, the prospect of a large-scale shift is setting up a showdown between oil companies and utilities over who will power tomorrow’s cars.”   I am doing something a little different today.  I am quoting the punch line above.  Transition from fossil fueled vehicles to those powered by electricity (hopefully,…

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Oil, Utilities Fight to Fuel Vehicles of the Future

Oil, Utilities Fight to Fuel Vehicles of the Future

The following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal recently. It reveals how energy companies are viewing the future of automotive transportation. It also describes some of the investments that are being made in encouraging and preparing for a world full of electric vehicles (EV’s). While conventional wisdom continues to predict that a sizable portion of the market will still…

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Declining Demand for Fossil Fuel Stock

Declining Demand for Fossil Fuel Stock

Here’s some news you may have missed. Ireland is divesting of its fossil fuel investments. More and more individuals and institutions are realizing that holding and investing in fossil fuel companies is bad for the planet, bad economics and bad for their reputation and brand. Thus, they are all dumping their fossil fuel securities. And the movement is spreading: individuals,…

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Altering NSR Can Kill You. Concerned??

Altering NSR Can Kill You. Concerned??

There are some small obscure items that fly way under the public’s radar that can have an enormous impact on individuals and society. One of those is a regulation called NSR. That stands for New Source Review and falls under the Clean Air Act. This regulation for coal fired power plants controls the definition of what constitutes general maintenance and…

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Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks

Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks

There are untold numbers of articles reiterating the fact that regardless of what the Trump Administration does about reducing the current CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards it would be insane for the auto manufacturers NOT to continue pushing forward on maximum fuel economy for their ICE’s (Internal Combustion Engines) and rollout of electric vehicles.  The article below is one…

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OMG!! It’s Happening NOW.

OMG!! It’s Happening NOW.

The following report that was published this morning simply confirms all that I’ve been writing about recently.  The atmosphere is rapidly being altered by our combustion of fossil fuels which is releasing CO2 and causing unprecedented weather events. This revelation should focus our attention and efforts on an all out effort to initiate transition away from fossil fuel consumption to create…

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Do You Really Care About Sea Ice?

Do You Really Care About Sea Ice?

Here’s more evidence of a warming climate and the affect it is having on our ecosystem the conclusion of which reflects the theme of most of my messages to you: “It is essential that we take action now to reduce emissions and move toward a low-carbon economy and climate-resilient world. It is our shared responsibility to safeguard the Arctic and…

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Will Lithium Supplies Limit EV Growth?

Will Lithium Supplies Limit EV Growth?

Following is an informative article about the status of lithium production and how its supply is critical to the growth of the EV market.  Here are the critical passages…   “In the last two years, lithium production has not been enough to meet demand. As a result, lithium stockpiles have diminished,” said James Frith, an energy storage analyst at Bloomberg…

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