Author page: Chuck Frank

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

“A republic, if you can keep it.” –Benjamin Franklin’s response to Elizabeth Willing Powel’s question: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Being that this is Memorial Day weekend, I want to take a moment to reflect on this and recognize how fortunate we are that for almost 250 years Americans, and immigrants that were not…

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Tesla Accelerates EV Growth

Tesla Accelerates EV Growth

Today’s focus will mostly be about EV’s and Insurance. If you’ve been following the mass media news about auto and light duty truck sales you’ve been hearing about the slowdown in EV sales. And yes, some of the auto manufacturers have moderated their production of them and their outlook. What is happening is that the PACE of growth of EVs…

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What Do Oil and Tabacco Have in Common?  Lying.

What Do Oil and Tabacco Have in Common? Lying.

In case you haven’t heard, the climate is changing. It’s getting warmer. It is obvious in my own yard. Flowers are blooming four to six weeks early. Buds on the trees are coming out. Bushes are blooming yellow. This winter there was only one kinda snowfall where we got maybe 2 or 3 inches. And other than one week of…

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Climate Cocktail: A Little of This a Little of That

Climate Cocktail: A Little of This a Little of That

I am going to start today where I left off last edition, with more on how climate change is impacting the insurance business. And then I will cover a variety of other subjects. The second article is about a topic I’ve written about very little and that is how climate change is effecting mental health. Unfortunately, this may be about…

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Time to Get All Charged Up!

Time to Get All Charged Up!

I am going to cover a couple of my usual topics today. I hope you’ll scroll through and see if there’s something that captures your interest. Mostly today are updates on the transition to an all electric fleet of vehicles and then, how losses from climate induced events are impacting the insurance business. Following are articles about the automotive industry.…

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