Author page: Chuck Frank

Where Are We Exactly???

Where Are We Exactly???

Every week brings a wide array of articles that relate to and provide updated information and developments regarding many of the topics about which I report to you.  Sometimes I will feature one subject in more detail while also now providing you with headlines and a brief quote from the featured article and others so you get the salient point(s)…

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Can It All Be True?

Can It All Be True?

Those of you who have been getting and receiving my postings know that I make a lot of predictions based on data but using my premonitions and judgement to forecast what is coming often long before the “experts” will.  And when what I have projected comes to pass, I love to say “I told you so!”.  Sure, I have an…

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Besides my showing you the science of climate change and the actual real world physical consequences of it (i.e. more and stronger hurricanes, more intense storms, melting glaciers, changes in the jet and gulf streams, tropical diseases moving north, flooding, mud slides, drought, fires, etc.) I have tried to alert you to the impact that a warmer climate is having…

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Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

Last week I presented you with a smorgasbord of environmental news.  This week I’m going to display a variety of good and bad news that has been published in the last number of days.  I’ll start with the good news that should give us some level of optimism that we have the ability to do something effective to alter our society in order to…

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So Much So Fast

So Much So Fast

Today’s messaging is going to be a smorgasbord.  I am going to display for you a variety of items pertaining to several of the topics I cover.  Transportation, insurance, real estate (primarily housing), water shortages and biodiversity.   Since the last few blogs have been about the auto industry let me start there.  If there is still any doubt in your mind as…

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40% by ’30?  Doubtful.  It will be 90 to 100%

40% by ’30? Doubtful. It will be 90 to 100%

Most of you know that my career was mostly in the automobile business basically my whole life but full time from 1976 to 2009.  That is why I have a keen interest and insight into the industry.  That shows up in this blog as I continue to read the Automotive News weekly and follow the business in other ways as…

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Just What I’ve Been Predicting

Just What I’ve Been Predicting

The focus of today’s commentary is about the insurance industry and the role and the consequences that the warming planet is having on the industry and how this is and will effect your daily life.  There are two principal aspects that I am going to address.  First, how climate change is impacting insurance and the implications to each of us…

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Why Are Over 200 Medical Journals Frightened?

Why Are Over 200 Medical Journals Frightened?

It’s been a few weeks since you’ve heard from me as I was on vacation.  My son Zack (35) and I went on a wilderness kayaking trip on the Allagash River in very northern Maine with a group from Sierra Club.  We had a great time.  It was so very nice to get removed from civilization for 8 days and just relax.…

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Why Are Climate Scientists Wrong?

Why Are Climate Scientists Wrong?

It’s been a few weeks since my last post as I took some time off to enjoy the summer as it quickly slips away from us all.  Unfortunately, the deteriorating climate doesn’t take a vacation.  You’ve undoubtedly heard about the UN report that documents how dire and irreversible the climate circumstances are.  (See the long article posted at the end of my portion.)…

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