Author page: secureadmin

Today is a Big Day for The Environment

Today is a Big Day for The Environment

Recently, I’ve been writing quite a bit about the financial risk climate change presents to the capital markets and insurance companies. And the last post was about the consequences to people who live in the path of hurricanes that cause catastrophic rain and storm surge and other weather events that create climate refugees. Now, I want to turn to the…

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Climate Change in Financial Markets is Going Mainstream

Climate Change in Financial Markets is Going Mainstream

Two themes that I have written about a great deal come together in this article. One is that risk of climate change is increasingly becoming factored into financial markets and financial decisions. I’ve cautioned about being invested in fossil fuel industry assets especially those companies that have trillions of dollars of fossil fuels on their balance sheets that could end…

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The last post I sent you the other day was about what will shape up as a titanic battle between oil companies and electric utilities as cars and trucks switch from gas to electric. So, following up on that theme the following article is a fairly deep dive into the kind of investment and opportunity there exists in the transition.…

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Oil, Utilities Fight to Fuel Vehicles of the Future

Oil, Utilities Fight to Fuel Vehicles of the Future

The following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal recently. It reveals how energy companies are viewing the future of automotive transportation. It also describes some of the investments that are being made in encouraging and preparing for a world full of electric vehicles (EV’s). While conventional wisdom continues to predict that a sizable portion of the market will still…

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Declining Demand for Fossil Fuel Stock

Declining Demand for Fossil Fuel Stock

Here’s some news you may have missed. Ireland is divesting of its fossil fuel investments. More and more individuals and institutions are realizing that holding and investing in fossil fuel companies is bad for the planet, bad economics and bad for their reputation and brand. Thus, they are all dumping their fossil fuel securities. And the movement is spreading: individuals,…

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Rainforest Destruction Causing Greater Harm that Thought

Rainforest Destruction Causing Greater Harm that Thought

As time goes on we continue to learn more and more about how complex our climate is. So many factors contribute to how things change. Research constantly unfolds new understanding of how our human activities are exacerbating global warming which is in turn changing the climate both locally and globally. The following article is certainly eye opening. It is commonly…

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San Joaquin Valley Farming Crisis

San Joaquin Valley Farming Crisis

The following article is kinda long and detailed. But the point is profound. Humans are depleting the groundwater aquifer under the California farmland. This is not simply a climate change issue but a warming planet is contributing to the crisis. Less rain in the area and less snow melting from the Sierra Nevada mountains is exacerbating the depleting water supply.…

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Top U.K. Banker Warns of Economic Climate Bubble

Top U.K. Banker Warns of Economic Climate Bubble

If you go to my website,, and look back over the years of posts, you’ll see quite a few are pointing out the economic and investment risk that climate change threatens. Gradually, over the past years, the alarm has been growing and growing. Undoubtedly, there is going to be disruption to “business as usual.” Enormous shifts of capital are…

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