Which Side Will You Be On?

Which Side Will You Be On?

The following article is long and primarily focused on the risk of investments in fossil fuels.  While I have been cautioning you about this for years the chickens are now coming home to roost.  The financial markets are finally seeing the signs of a fundamental shift in where energy production is going.  And the markets are reacting.  While this is…

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What’s Warm and Wet?  Minnesota and Siberia

What’s Warm and Wet? Minnesota and Siberia

The following headlines and articles are becoming more and more frequent as the consequences of a warming climate are becoming increasingly evident and consequential.  It’s one thing to say, “get used to these headlines”.  It’s an altogether different thing to get used to what is and going to happen.  The frequency of the headlines is only a small sampling of…

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Climate Change Costs Allstate $3 Billion in 9 Days

Climate Change Costs Allstate $3 Billion in 9 Days

For decades, many people said that the cost of doing something, anything to fight climate change was simply too much and uneconomical.  I have always said that there is no evidence of this and that there is not one shred of data to support this contention.  Not one single study.  In fact, all the research shows that doing what is…

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Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

I’d love to be wrong on my prognostications about the consequences of a warming climate as that would mean that the future is not so bleak as I’ve often made it out to be. And I guess it’s a bit braggadocios to be an “I told you so”. But, as has been the case over and over, the early warnings…

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Don't Say You Weren't Warned…

Don't Say You Weren't Warned…

It seems that every week there is another major economic authority warning of the risk that investing in fossil fuels entails.  This time it is from the largest investor in the world, BlackRock, Inc.  Their outlook is not based on if the science of climate change is correct or not.  Rather, it’s based on the fact that governments worldwide are…

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Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect

In case you somehow missed it, President Obama on Friday denied the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline ending 7 years of uncertainty.  Below are links to two videos.  First is his 9 minute statement and the second is a shorter video from the Sierra Club thanking him. I have discussed this controversy with many of you over the years…

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Coming Clean: The blog of Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune April 3, 2015 AddUp: Technology + Activism “Technology is nothing.” So said the man behind some of the most successful and influential technologies of the past three decades. But then Apple founder Steve Jobs elaborated: “What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good…

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