I try to keep abreast of the development of battery technology and publish groundbreaking information as it occurs. The following article is kinda wonky and will interest the more technical of you getting this. The important takeaway is the conclusion: “Frankel said he is optimistic that energy storage will cross the tipping points needed to take root on the grid…
The shift to renewable energy is happening and gaining momentum worldwide. This is putting the value of companies that mine, sell, transport or support the fossil fuel industry at great peril. We’re already seeing the effects of dropping market prices of oil, coal and natural gas on the stock prices of fossil fuel industry company stocks. There is another huge risk lurking…
The following article covers a variety topics about which I have written in the past including: The current and coming impact of climate change on people around the world. The lack of adequate measures to mitigate the worst impacts of a warming planet. The movement to divest portfolios of fossil fuels. The recognition by business leaders, especially those either currently or…
Many will complain that if we are going to avoid the worst consequences of climate change we need to do much more right away. I totally agree. That said, I am extremely heartened by what is happening as the world heads to Paris in December to craft a new climate treaty. Every major country, except Saudi Arabia, is on record…
Increasingly, people and businesses that are the most exposed to the effects of a warming planet are already experiencing the economic costs in a substantial way. Take the insurance industry for example: “The volume of weather-related losses has more than tripled since the 1980s, from an average of $10 billion then to about $50 billion annually in the past decade”.…
The following article points out that no matter how successful the negotiations are in Paris in December, they will be totally insufficient to limit the impacts a warming climate will have on civilization to a tolerable level. But progress is progress. It is very significant that there is beginning to be a worldwide consensus that we must make commitments to…
As I’ve said repeatedly, it’s business that will change the climate dynamic and drive progress. We certainly can’t depend on a Republican controlled Congress that is subservient to the fossil fuel industry to lead us forward. But thankfully there are some CEO’s that care about their descendants’ future. And, in this case, the supply of raw materials that the company needs to succeed.…
Over the summer I’ve taken some time off from writing while paddling, fishing and backpacking. During this time a great deal has occurred that present an interesting picture of multiple trends that are interacting. This is causing increased alarm and hope at the same time. Below is a listing of some recent developments and news. Much of this you may have…
“An age-old myth that should be shut down is that all regulation is bad for the economy and only environmentalists care about climate change,” said Mindy Lubber, president of Ceres, the sustainable investing advocacy group that coordinated the letters… “We really see economic opportunity in addressing climate change, and it’s important to change the narrative that’s been out there for…
There is no doubt that we have not moved quickly enough to avoid the horrible consequences that we are already experiencing from a rapidly changing climate. And it is only going to get worse for the next several decades based on the CO2 and methane that is building up in the atmosphere and will continue to do so for the…