Over the summer I’ve taken some time off from writing while paddling, fishing and backpacking. During this time a great deal has occurred that present an interesting picture of multiple trends that are interacting. This is causing increased alarm and hope at the same time. Below is a listing of some recent developments and news. Much of this you may have…
“An age-old myth that should be shut down is that all regulation is bad for the economy and only environmentalists care about climate change,” said Mindy Lubber, president of Ceres, the sustainable investing advocacy group that coordinated the letters… “We really see economic opportunity in addressing climate change, and it’s important to change the narrative that’s been out there for…
Most of us, especially those of us in our comfortable homes in Chicago’s Quiet North Shore Suburbs, feel quite safe and secure. We can’t imagine an enormous explosion that could destroy our homes, lives and communities like what happened in the small Quebec town of Lac-Mégantic as described below in Mike Brune’s Blog. Think again. Many receiving this may remember…
There is no doubt that we have not moved quickly enough to avoid the horrible consequences that we are already experiencing from a rapidly changing climate. And it is only going to get worse for the next several decades based on the CO2 and methane that is building up in the atmosphere and will continue to do so for the…
Elections matter. It amazes and disappoints me that the Supreme Court could find that the EPA failed to take into consideration the costs that industry, principally the coal industry, would endure in order to cause: “the lifelong neurological damage brought on by exposure to toxic mercury, and prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths, 4,700 heart attacks and 130,000 asthma attacks…
Despite the fact that the US Congress refuses to accept that climate change is real and being caused by emissions from human activity, the rest of the world is moving ahead to try and address the issue. At the recent G-7 Summit climate change was a high priority on the agenda. They recognize that the consequences of not acting to abate…
This past week, something amazing has happened. Several sources have reported that major financing institutions are embracing renewable energy and seeing it as the way of the future. When the big money moves watch how fast things change. I’ve been predicting this for some time now. It finally appears to be happening. We may actually be reaching the tipping point. …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Contacts: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Meghan Womack, meghan@bloomberg.org, 212-205-0176 Sierra Club, Maggie Kao, maggie.kao@sierraclub.org, 202-675-2384 Bloomberg Philanthropies Boosts Investment in Sierra Club to Retire U.S. Coal Fleet & Transition the Nation Towards Clean Energy Sources Efforts aim to improve public health, slash carbon emissions and allow U.S. to take action as leader in fighting climate…
Information continues to come out of China that the leadership there is engineering an about face when it comes to fossil fuels AND transportation. China is beginning to head in a new direction… and relatively fast. And the rest of the world had better take heed. While I have been informing you of China’s moves to clear their air…
I guess the sky isn’t falling after all. Looks like the auto industry can meet government regulations AND sell lots of cars and truck and make record profits. This happens every time new regulations are proposed. They cry that they can’t do it, that nobody will buy the vehicles and they’ll go broke. Then they go out and meet…