After sending my last message to you incapsulating some of my themes and perspectives I thought that today I would send you the highlights of some recent articles that summarize and reiterate several topics about which I’ve been writing. I’ll leave it up to you to look up the articles if you want more details. Phoenix Hits 114 F for…
I recently received some feedback that there’s enough bad news from the media everyday and that it would be nice if I were more positive in my messaging. Yes, there is some negativity in my writing. But mostly, I think I have been encouraging optimism. In considering this I hope that my themes are coming through: 1. Negative: The Climate…
I hope you listened to my warnings over the past few years and divested yourself from any asset in any way tied to fossil fuels not just for moral reasons but for your own financial security. A great deal of the asset values supporting the prices of a fossil fuel extraction company’s financial instruments is the capitalized cost of the proven…
I have been writing for a long time about following the money as it relates to climate change. More recently I’ve been revealing how more and more finance entities have been committing to begin redirecting their capital away from fossil fuel projects and into renewable energy assets. This started with a trickle and becoming a torrent. When this started it was tentative and…
As I have been writing about for years and in many of my most recent articles, follow the money. Fossil fuels are being abandon like a hot potato. As predicted, costs of renewables have dropped more than dramatically. In 10 years solar has gone from $300 a megawatt hour to $38 in China today. And wind in the last 10 years…
I am staying on the finances of climate change. The last post related to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) warning that: “nations must do all they can to promote a recovery that also fights against the climate-change crisis” IMF Gets On Board More and more pressure is coming to bear on investors to take into consideration the risk of directing capital…
Short but sweet today. Following up on my last two messages to you to reveal the widening acceptance and understanding that we should learn and take advantage of our current circumstances regarding the COVID – 19 pandemic as relates to climate chaos. The two concepts to which I am referring are: 1. There is a connection from this pandemic to…
The last couple of messages weren’t particularly encouraging. This one brings a better message: The message is getting through. The message is that climate change is REAL, something to be concerned about and will have a personal impact. “Nearly three-quarters of respondents also said they were worried about the current global climate, with 34 percent saying they…
In light of the health crisis we are all now experiencing it feels disjointed to be focusing on anything else. So far I, Debbie and the rest of my immediate family are all feeling good and hunkered down in isolation and working from home. I certainly hope that you are doing as well also and imploring everyone you can influence…
The winds of change are blowing. I’ve alerted you too many times to count that the energy industry is changing rapidly and is nearing a tipping point. Actually, given the current situation, may have been pushed permanently beyond the tipping point and into a new reality. Here’s some more evidence of how the rapidly evolving future is currently…