Tag: john muir

Is it Time to Engage Now??

Is it Time to Engage Now??

Recently I wrote about what you can personally do to help protect the planet from the worst possible outcomes of climate chaos and leave our descendants a more hospitable and livable environment.   https://franklytalking.com/quitting-your-hamburger-addiction-aint-gonna-cut-it/ One of the things I suggested was joining Sierra Club and helping in these pursuits.  (Full disclosure, as  you probably know, I have been a Club member since…

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What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

Since the election on November 8, I have been asked countless times “what is the Sierra Club going to do to protect our environment?”  And this: “What can I do to prevent our natural resources and climate to be devastated by actions of the Trump Administration?”  The simple answer is to RESIST.  We simply cannot allow this new reality become acceptable.…

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My Article in the Sierra Club's California/Nevada Wilderness Committee Newsletter Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

My Article in the Sierra Club's California/Nevada Wilderness Committee Newsletter Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

I am extremely honored that an article that I wrote appeared in the Words of the Wild Newsletter of the Sierra Club’s California/Nevada Wilderness Committee on page 10. If you care to read it, click here and you’ll go to the full newsletter and check out page 10.  There are also many other wonderful pieces here including one by Bruce…

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Happy Belated Earth Day

Happy Belated Earth Day

Belated Earth Day to you all.     Mike’s message below describes why so many of us at the Sierra Club, and in so many other organizations, are fighting so hard to combat climate change and why, despite all the reasons to be discouraged, instead, we are optimists.     The task is achievable and the benefits are enormous in…

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John Muir’s 176th Birthday Today

John Muir’s 176th Birthday Today

While I am by  no means a John Muir scholar, my friend and former Sierra Club President (who signed my Life Member certificate in 1989 in that capacity) and fellow Sierra Club Foundation Board member Richard Cellarius does know a great deal about the founder of Sierra Club who also appears on the California Quarter.  And it is fitting that…

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