Tag: Tesla

EV Battery Technology in Overdrive

EV Battery Technology in Overdrive

As you know, I have been writing about the adaptation of electric vehicles forever and predicting the conversion to an all electric fleet long before the “experts” have been prognosticating.  One of the primary reasons is that I have faith that battery technology and competitive costs will occur quantum times faster than conventional “wisdom”. Facts on the ground continue to support my…

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Sulfur is the New Cobalt

Sulfur is the New Cobalt

I have been predicting for years that an alternative technology would eventually replace the lithium-ion battery that is now used in electric vehicles.  Some of the reasons being weight, cost, range and, the availability and cost of cobalt.   The following article describes a promising development that could make a huge difference in EV adoption.   We’re getting closer and closer to…

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Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?”  Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet.  My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…

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Here It Comes!  A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Here It Comes! A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”.  The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time.  The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…

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Will Lithium Supplies Limit EV Growth?

Will Lithium Supplies Limit EV Growth?

Following is an informative article about the status of lithium production and how its supply is critical to the growth of the EV market.  Here are the critical passages…   “In the last two years, lithium production has not been enough to meet demand. As a result, lithium stockpiles have diminished,” said James Frith, an energy storage analyst at Bloomberg…

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400,000,000 Reasons That the Auto Market is Shifting

400,000,000 Reasons That the Auto Market is Shifting

As a follow up to yesterday‘s piece, I am copying Automotive News’ editorial from last week.  This article points out that 2016 was the year of the EV and asks: “What changed? “It’s a move that is driven primarily by the customer,” Speth told us. “Customers see this type of vehicle as cool and sexy, especially younger customers” As a former…

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EV and Fuel Economy Developments

EV and Fuel Economy Developments

In the past there has been discussion amongst our transportation groupies about the use of precious metals and the restraint that it could have on the mass adaptation of electric vehicles and battery power storage.  Therefore, this development sited below from Honda is a potential game changer.   “Honda Motor Co. has developed a new electric motor for hybrid vehicles that tackles…

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Will Current Auto Companies Be Able to Transition to the Future of Mobility???

Will Current Auto Companies Be Able to Transition to the Future of Mobility???

Many of you are most likely not aware that I have another blog that focuses strictly on transportation issues.  If you are interested in being on that list simply email me and let me know.  That said, I considered posting this message there but felt that this topic would be of a more general interest so decided to post it…

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