Author page: Chuck Frank

North Star

North Star

This is a very personal and hard article to write. One that I had hoped for almost two years not to have to author. And as much as I have personally struggled with this, I feel I have no alternative but to do so. In 1976 I joined Sierra Club. I did so primarily to help protect the wild places…

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Extreme is the New Normal

Extreme is the New Normal

In case last week’s edition of Frankly Talking didn’t make you alerted to the weather and climate changes maybe a few headlines and articles will make you take notice this week. Why a Sudden Surge of Broken Heat Records is Scaring Scientists Scientists say to brace for more extreme weather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures By Scott Dance…

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What Do Blueberries and Honey Have In Common?

What Do Blueberries and Honey Have In Common?

Maybe you noticed that you haven’t heard from me for a while.  As I had mentioned, we went on a vacation and had a great time.  And I took a vacation from writing this blog as well.  Now I’m back and will try to get into the groove again of putting these together but it is summer…so probably won’t be…

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70 x (by) 100

70 x (by) 100

As I’ve said over and over, and you’ve heard elsewhere, “follow the money”.  Following the money reveals what things happen and why.  The bottom line is (and yes, pun intended) that when peoples’ incomes and business profits are impacted things change.  People and businesses, and governments too, will change when there is opportunity to increase income and profits or when these…

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It’s Frightening

It’s Frightening

Happy Mother’s Day to you all.  I hope you get a chance to celebrate the Moms in your life.   Somewhere between 75,000 and 100,000 years ago our human ancestors began to develop into the species we have now become.  (I recently read James Michener’s 1965 book The Source which begins human history within this timeframe.) But it was only about 10,000 years…

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How Much Do You Really Know About What’s Going On with the Climate?

How Much Do You Really Know About What’s Going On with the Climate?

There are two primary articles I want to highlight today pertaining to a couple of topics I have covered regularly over the years. After that, I will throw at you a several headlines about the auto industry and the environmental impact of climate change. Let’s start with economics.  I have been writing about for a couple of decades now that there is not…

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I’ve titled this message “Inevitable” to make clear to anyone who may still doubt that the future of automotive transportation, actually ALL transportation, will be powered by electrons, not fossils.  The pace of transformation continues to accelerate exponentially.  The issues of range, charging times and cost are rapidly being conquered and after a few initial articles on other topics I will…

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Going Faster in Both Directions

Going Faster in Both Directions

Going Faster in Both Directions   Going Faster in Both Directions Once again it’s been a few weeks since I sent you my report on what’s going on.  Busy with grandsons and traveling. But the news and the message is pretty much the same.   The climate gets hotter.  The weather gets worse.  Both, faster and faster and more quickly…

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