Thanks to all of you who noticed that you had not heard from me for about a year and checked in to see if something was wrong. Nope. Just needed a break. There was a combination of burn out (pandemic related) and life getting too busy for a while. But here I am again to keep you informed on so many different topics relating to the environment and especially climate change. I will most likely not be writing as frequently as before, once a week on Sundays, when I was cooped up in the house due to the pandemic. Today I am going to attempt to highlight the various categories I cover in this post to give you an overall feel of what has been happening. I am reassured to say that everything that I have been predicting would happen is occurring like I said it would and mostly faster than the “experts” said and, in some cases, faster than I predicted. Some of that is good news (technology) and some is very bad (climate change consequences).

There are quite a large number of articles below. I suggest you scan down and simply read the headlines to get a good flavor of the landscape. Of course, click on the links if you’re interested in reading further and discovering the details.

The Milestone moment is not that I am back to writing. It’s this:

In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.

Wind and solar produced more U.S. power than coal during the first five months of this year, as several coal plants closed and gas prices dropped

The milestone illustrates the ongoing transformation of the U.S. power sector as the nation races to install cleaner forms of energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.,additional%20117%20TWh%20through%20May.

“Wind and solar sources generated a combined 252 terawatt-hours through the first five months of 2023, compared with coal output of 249 TWh, EIA data shows. Hydro generated an additional 117 TWh through May.”

While this is a milestone in a good way, here’s the other side of the equation:

Scientists say June Temperatures Passed Key Climate Threshold

“Researchers at the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service said Thursday that the start of June saw global surface air temperatures rise 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels for the first time. That is the threshold governments said they would try to stay within at a 2015 summit in Paris.”

“the Copernicus data “are a reminder of how close we are to the 1.5 C global warming limit, beyond which there are major risks for humanity in terms of climate instability and ecosystem system losses.””

Now let me show you a headline or two, with links to the articles if you want the details, for many of the topics I cover. Just what I said was going to happen IS happening.

In the Automotive field, the manufacturers are committing to a faster and faster conversion to Electric Vehicles as competition and demand push them. The barriers are coming down as price parity evolves. The technology continues to advance so that charging is getting faster and faster and ranges are growing as is the charging structure.

Newly Revealed Toyota EV Plans Include Batteries with 900-plus Miles of Range

Volvo Will Go Fully Electric Globally by 2030, ‘No Ifs, No Buts’

Last year, Volvo showed dealers its plan to introduce five new and redesigned EVs over the next few years.

I often hear people ask me, what about the used batteries? What are we going to do with them? I tell them not to worry because we are going to figure out how to recycle or otherwise mitigate this problem.

Redwood Materials Races to Put Recycled Materials into EV Batteries

The battery recycler plans to produce battery materials that could help power up to 1 million electric vehicles within the next five years.

I could go on and on about the auto business and why my prediction of 90%+ of new vehicles being sold in the US in 2030 will be fully electric or drive 90% on electricity. And in future editions, I will show you more reasons. But maybe the biggest reason is reflected below: competition. Especially from the Chinese. No auto manufacturer wants to be left behind domestically in the US and around the world.

China’s EV Leader BYD is Looking for New Markets

Under the direction of CEO Wang Chuanfu and backed by Berkshire Hathaway, BYD has global expansion plans.

April 18, 2023 08:39 AM

China’s EV leader BYD is looking for new markets Under the direction of CEO Wang Chuanfu and backed by Berkshire Hathaway, BYD has global expansion plans.

April 18, 2023 08:39 AM

When it comes to the Insurance Industry the evidence is clear. Property insurance rates are going up IF the insurance is available at all.

Calif. Scared off its Biggest Insurer. More Could Follow.

Proposition 103 was passed in 1988 to control auto insurance rates. It’s destroying the property insurance market, experts say. 

BY: THOMAS FRANK  (no relation)| 05/31/2023

Growing Insurance Crisis Spreads to Texas

Texas’ state-chartered insurer is facing huge growth as insurance companies go insolvent and stop covering coastal homes.


Florida Lawmakers to Tackle Ballooning Property-Insurance Crisis

Special session of the state legislature looks to rein in costs for Florida homeowners

By Leslie ScismArian Campo-Flores and Deborah Acosta.

Dec. 11, 2022

Let’s move on to some electric grid issues. There are definitely problems but they are being recognized and addressed.

FERC Aims to Fix the Grid’s Renewable Energy Backlog. Can it?

Developers and climate advocates say a proposal from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission may not spur enough change. 

BY: MIRANDA WILLSON  | 06/01/2023

FERC meeting: Permitting, Grid Risks and Battery Boost

The acting chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said faster permitting could be a solution for both grid reliability and renewable energy challenges. 

BY: MIRANDA WILLSON  | 05/19/2023

Let’s take a look at some of the headlines and links about the consequences of our rapidly changing climate.

Arizona Limits Construction Around Phoenix as Its Water Supply Dwindles

In what could be a glimpse of the future as climate change batters the West, officials ruled there’s not enough groundwater for projects already approved.

By Christopher Flavelle and Jack Healy

June 1, 2023

Christopher Flavelle reported from Washington and Jack Healy from Phoenix.June 1, 2023By Christopher Flavelle and Jack Healy Christopher Flavelle reported from Washington and Jack Healy from Phoenix.

Calif. Must Move Coastal Train Tracks, State Senator Says

The tracks, which host one of the country’s busiest train lines, face repeated closures from landslides, erosion and climate change impacts. 

BY: ANNE C. MULKERN  | 05/17/2023

Ticks Are Bringing Disease to a Backyard Near You

Bites, infections are increasing as temperatures warm and deer populations grow

Brianna Abbott April 12, 2023

Florida Coastal Living Reshaped by Hurricane Housing Codes

Many homeowners in southwest Florida towns find it challenging to rebuild. ‘People leave and don’t come back.’

By Arian Campo-Flores and Deborah Acosta. Oct. 17, 2022

While there are more topics to cover let me finish today with what is happening to the weather. These events ARE NOT NORMAL!!

India Scorched by Extreme Heat with Monsoon Rains Delayed

The southwest monsoon is slightly delayed this year and will hit in the first week of June, causing temperatures to stay high longer than usual, the Indian Meteorological Department said. 

BY: ASSOCIATED PRESS  | 05/23/2023

Flooding in Northern Italy Kills 8, Wrecks Infrastructure

Days of rainstorms stretched across a broad swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. 


Drought Parches America’s Breadbasket

Farmers in northern Oklahoma and western Kansas are struggling in a long-lasting dry spell that may be a harbinger for severe climate troubles ahead. 

BY: MARC HELLER  | 05/04/2023

Record Western Snow Leaves Trail of Collapsed Buildings

Owners of homes and commercial structures take stock as snow melts

Jim Carlton April 22, 2023

Drying Mississippi River Threatens U.S. Supply Chain

Shipping and tourism businesses are searching for alternatives as barges are grounded on sandbars and prices soar

By Cameron McWhirter |  Oct. 14, 2022

Hurricane Ian – What 15 Foot Storm Surge Looks Like (credit to Max Olson Chasing)

what 15 fr storm surge looks like (credit to Max Olson Chasing)

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