Author page: tester

An Unrecognizable World

An Unrecognizable World

The map below does not copy well to this posting.  The title is “The World: 4 degrees C Warmer”.  And it notes, “No one knows exactly what this world will look like, but models provide insights into forced human migrations and our future power generation.”  Another notation is: “Amazon: desert”.  How accurate this might be if we are unable to…

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Can a Warmer Planet Cause Wars?

Can a Warmer Planet Cause Wars?

Over the years I have written about how climate change is a threat to world peace.  In fact, the Pentagon has been saying this in its security threat reports since the ’90′s.  They actually call it the highest threat to peace.  The reason is what climate change is doing to natural resources. For instance, what would you do if your…

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Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks

Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks

There are untold numbers of articles reiterating the fact that regardless of what the Trump Administration does about reducing the current CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards it would be insane for the auto manufacturers NOT to continue pushing forward on maximum fuel economy for their ICE’s (Internal Combustion Engines) and rollout of electric vehicles.  The article below is one…

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Will the Middle East Become Uninhabitable?

Will the Middle East Become Uninhabitable?

It can be hard to imagine the catastrophic impact that climate change can create.  While the US has seen impacts, somehow when droughts dissipate, hurricanes die out, mud slides get cleaned up, fires are doused, flood waters recede and temperatures drop most of the public forgets about these events.  Not, of course, those who’s lives are severely impacted.  But most of the public puts…

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Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

I’d love to be wrong on my prognostications about the consequences of a warming climate as that would mean that the future is not so bleak as I’ve often made it out to be. And I guess it’s a bit braggadocios to be an “I told you so”. But, as has been the case over and over, the early warnings…

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