Author page: tester

OMG!! It’s Happening NOW.

OMG!! It’s Happening NOW.

The following report that was published this morning simply confirms all that I’ve been writing about recently.  The atmosphere is rapidly being altered by our combustion of fossil fuels which is releasing CO2 and causing unprecedented weather events. This revelation should focus our attention and efforts on an all out effort to initiate transition away from fossil fuel consumption to create…

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2017 Most Deadly and Costly Yet

2017 Most Deadly and Costly Yet

The warming atmosphere is creating more and more weather turmoil and disasters.  For those who decry what climate mitigation will cost they should consider the cost of NOT doing everything we possibly can to minimize the impact some of which is already baked into our future.   Of course it’s not just the direct cost of cleaning up after a disaster. There…

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What is Climate Change Costing You? Check Your Tax Bill or Our Federal Deficit

What is Climate Change Costing You? Check Your Tax Bill or Our Federal Deficit

Continuing on the climate and weather are both changing theme, I hope you are not sticking your head in the sand and thinking that “I’m not being affected.”  We are ALL paying the cost of our fossil fuel addition ways.  Right here in Chicagoland, the flooding is getting worse and worse and more and more frequent.  The property damage is but…

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Do You Really Care About Sea Ice?

Do You Really Care About Sea Ice?

Here’s more evidence of a warming climate and the affect it is having on our ecosystem the conclusion of which reflects the theme of most of my messages to you: “It is essential that we take action now to reduce emissions and move toward a low-carbon economy and climate-resilient world. It is our shared responsibility to safeguard the Arctic and…

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Not Feeling Quite so Cold This Winter?  You’re Not Imagining It.

Not Feeling Quite so Cold This Winter? You’re Not Imagining It.

I am continuing on with a series of messages about how the climate is warming and what the impact is on the ground.  The next several articles are designed to provide a broad overview of the many ways a warming planet is changing and the science behind this phenomenon.   One particular trend to note is that all the changes are happening…

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