Happy Mother’s Day to you all. I hope you get a chance to celebrate the Moms in your life. Somewhere between 75,000 and 100,000 years ago our human ancestors began to develop into the species we have now become. (I recently read James Michener’s 1965 book The Source which begins human history within this timeframe.) But it was only about 10,000 years…

There are two primary articles I want to highlight today pertaining to a couple of topics I have covered regularly over the years. After that, I will throw at you a several headlines about the auto industry and the environmental impact of climate change. Let’s start with economics. I have been writing about for a couple of decades now that there is not…

I’ve titled this message “Inevitable” to make clear to anyone who may still doubt that the future of automotive transportation, actually ALL transportation, will be powered by electrons, not fossils. The pace of transformation continues to accelerate exponentially. The issues of range, charging times and cost are rapidly being conquered and after a few initial articles on other topics I will…

First let me wish a happy Passover or Easter if you celebrate either one. After two seder dinners I’m certainly going to have to be more restrained this week in my eating. As I ate plenty I reflected on how my direct relatives thousands of years ago were slaves and had to rely on others for food and manna from…

Going Faster in Both Directions Going Faster in Both Directions Once again it’s been a few weeks since I sent you my report on what’s going on. Busy with grandsons and traveling. But the news and the message is pretty much the same. The climate gets hotter. The weather gets worse. Both, faster and faster and more quickly…

Sonny and Cher: The beat goes on (HQ Version) – YouTube Enjoy some music as you read today. For newer readers, some of what I am going to cover today may be new to you. But for those of you who have been getting this newsletter for longer, I am simply going to provide you with the current status on…

To start off today I want to share with you some information that may be of great interest to you or someone you know. Many of you know that my wife Debbie has asthma. For some time now we have been receiving from Sierra Club text messages when the air quality is dangerous for her so she can act accordingly…stay inside and…

You probably didn’t notice that I didn’t send a post last week. We had the grandsons here and that consumed all our attention! In looking over the recent news I didn’t see any single item that I want to highlight this week so I thought I’d update you on a plethora of ones that I regularly bring to your attention. So…

Happy New Year! As we start 2022 I think back a few weeks to my last article of 2021 and reflect on how we started last year and where we ended up. I am reminded that every year progress towards a new future happens more rapidly and dramatically than is expected by common perception. Remember this time next year that I am…

I am going to take some time off with my family so this will be my last post in 2021. I’ll list some recent news at the end, as usual, but I want to reflect and share some thoughts about this past year in order that we grasp how much and how quickly our circumstances have changed, are changing and…