I imagine that many, if not most or all, of you know that the populations of pollinators have plummeted dramatically over the last couple of decades all over the world. Bees and monarch butterflies are the canaries in the coal mine so to speak. The dramatic decimation of their populations dramatize how what may appear to be minor changes in climate…
I hope you listened to my warnings over the past few years and divested yourself from any asset in any way tied to fossil fuels not just for moral reasons but for your own financial security. A great deal of the asset values supporting the prices of a fossil fuel extraction company’s financial instruments is the capitalized cost of the proven…
Let’s stay on the topic of the demise of fossil fuels to boil water to create steam to run the turbines that create electricity for the power grid. In a recent article I sent you I said “it’s clear that fossil fuels are toast.” And the hits keep rolling. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure this…
Several of my recent posts have been focused mostly on renewable energy. Today, I am going back to what we can expect from a warming climate and the implications thereof. As readers you know that I have been preaching about how projections of the horrid outcomes of warming the atmosphere of our planet will be much worse and come faster than the “experts”…
First of all, click on the video below and enjoy some Bee Gees music while you read this. You’ll get the connection. As I wrote about in my last post, renewable energy is blowing away fossil fuels. It’s not only a prediction any more. It’s reality. “Renewable energy beat coal for generating electricity for the first quarter of…
I’ve over the years, and recently also, mentioned positive feedback loops. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_feedback) Certainly the melting of the Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland ice is one that is very frightening. But there is another one that has been extremely worrisome to me and which has gotten little public attention but could be the dagger in the heart to being able to stop runaway climate…
Following up on the post I wrote on Monday (https://franklytalking.com/is-the-coronavirus-pandemic-sending-us-a-wake-up-call-on-climate/) I am attaching two more articles about how ill prepared the U.S. is for anticipating and preparing for a rapid change in the climate and the consequences thereof. Just look at the title of this post and think of how totally incompetently the current Administration is in dealing with the current Pandemic to…
Recently I wrote about what you can personally do to help protect the planet from the worst possible outcomes of climate chaos and leave our descendants a more hospitable and livable environment. https://franklytalking.com/quitting-your-hamburger-addiction-aint-gonna-cut-it/ One of the things I suggested was joining Sierra Club and helping in these pursuits. (Full disclosure, as you probably know, I have been a Club member since…
I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?” Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet. My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…
Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”. The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time. The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…