I hope you have been paying attention to what I have been telling you was coming for many years. Seems the inevitability of the future of energy is finally beginning to not only take hold but take OVER. And investors are sniffing it out and the flee from fossil fuels is starting and only going to gain momentum. Values for any fossil fuel assets…

I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?” Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet. My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…

The planet is already experiencing huge impacts from the increasing heat caused by our emitting heat trapping gasses, primarily CO2 and methane. The consequences are going to get much worse due to the amount of these compounds we’ve already emitted but also what we will inevitably put into the atmosphere in the next 10 years and beyond. And while we have and opportunity to mitigate the worse…

Back in the 80’s when it was obvious to me that the science of global warming was clear and convincing I began trying to get others to believe it was happening as well. That has been a long, gradual and uphill process. Nevertheless, in the last two years or so it seems like a critical mass has been achieved here in…

Last April I told you for a second time not to worry about the proposed fuel economy standards (CAFE) rollbacks because even if the Trump Administration did issue lower regulations that most likely they wouldn’t be implemented and if they were, the auto manufacturers would not adhere to them. 10 Months Later the Story’s Still the Same: Trump is Irrelevant You’ve seen that…

The following article is long and primarily focused on the risk of investments in fossil fuels. While I have been cautioning you about this for years the chickens are now coming home to roost. The financial markets are finally seeing the signs of a fundamental shift in where energy production is going. And the markets are reacting. While this is…

The last several articles that I’ve sent you were about how the warming climate is creating unprecedented weather events around the U.S. and the world. CO2 levels have shattered concentrations such that it’s now, around 415 ppm, at a concentration that has never existed during human existence. Or, for millions of years before that. We are heading into new uncharted territory at a pace…

In my last post I wrote about the cost of battery technology dropping dramatically and faster and faster. So now I want to address the other big barrier to EV adaptation and that is speed of charging. Due out this year is a car that will charge 60 miles in 4 minutes. That’s 360 miles in 24 minutes. OK. Yea, it’s a Porsche…

Following up on my last posting about the fuel economy standards that the Trump Administration is attempting to reduce, I want to remind you of another theme that I have harped on for years: that technology is progressing, and going to continue to do so, much more rapidly than “conventional wisdom” perpetrated by mainstream sources would have you believe. Battery capacity, size, price…

There have been a great deal of articles recently with information and developments which I want to share with you. My practice has been not to deluge you with emails from me and limit my posts to 2 or 3 a week. I’ve decided to alter that practice for the time being and write to you more often, if I can find the time.…