Here’s another article in this series of blogs that will show that conventional wisdom is outdated and just simply, wrong. The pace of change in the energy “environment” is gaining more and more momentum… Solar Power Will Kill Coal Faster Than You Think Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s outlook shows renewables will be cheaper almost everywhere in just a few…
Solar technology is moving ahead so much faster than most people comprehend. It is gaining scale and the price is dropping. Unfortunately, we are ceding leadership in this arena to the Chinese. Sad. The rest of the world will leave us in the dust if we’re not careful. Watch this one minute video. You’ll be amazed. This…
In 1969, as part of the musical Hair, the Fifth Dimension recorded this song. Enjoy the music as you read more about the solar revolution that is coming… Support for clean energy driven by economics — report Maxine Joselow, E&E News reporter Thursday, June 15, 2017 Demand for clean energy is no longer a political issue — it’s an economic…
First of all, a happy Father’s Day to you all. I am so incredibly fortunate to have such a wonderful family all of which live close. It is worthwhile today to take a minute out and be thankful for all the blessings we enjoy and, especially here in the United States, the freedom we have to express ourselves and stand…
As you can see from the photo above, I marched in the Peoples Climate March yesterday in Chicago with 5000 others. It was wet and cold but who cares when the fate of science and our planet are at stake. I know that most of those that read my blog agree with me that Climate Change is real…
The first 100 days of the new Administration are not even over and yet we have already seen success in efforts to RESIST efforts and actions taken by Trump. The travel ban hasn’t happened and the ACA is still the law of the land. While a new Supreme Court Justice is on the court, it took a nuclear option to do…
When the new President (I can’t even mention his name) took office in January, it wasn’t the beginning of the challenge to climate science and action in DC. If it weren’t actually happening, I would not be able to imagine that well educated leaders in a free society would actually not only deny that the climate is changing and humans…
We had dinner with some old friends last night. The conversation inevitably turned to politics (ugh). I brought up my recent blog about CRA and the overturning of the Stream Protection Rule. I tried to explain why anyone (read Republicans and a couple of Democrats) would want to permit (encourage?) blowing the tops off of mountains and then dump the…
Maybe I should have entitled this piece after the Talking Heads song “Once in a Lifetime” with the famous lyrics of “You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?” ( But we’re not going to ruminate on the insanity of what’s already happened but look forward to our mutual future. So instead, click on this url, and listen…
As a follow up to yesterday‘s piece, I am copying Automotive News’ editorial from last week. This article points out that 2016 was the year of the EV and asks: “What changed? “It’s a move that is driven primarily by the customer,” Speth told us. “Customers see this type of vehicle as cool and sexy, especially younger customers” As a former…