Tag: china

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

It is hard to comprehend that we are around half way through summer.  It sure doesn’t seem like it to me.  It’s going by so quickly and for some reason I feel like I’m missing out.  Maybe because of the weather?  Too hot, too dry, too wet, too cool, too windy (meaning being unsuitable to kayak on Lake Michigan).  But…

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It is impossible for me to write a post today without saying anything about the insurrection/coup attempt at the Capital Building on Wednesday.  Debbie and I have been talking and worrying for a very long time about if there would be violence in the streets if Trump lost the election.  While we did not foresee the assault on our nation’s Capital Building, with ALL…

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The Walrus

The Walrus

The time has come,’ the Walrus said,       To talk of many things: Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —       Of cabbages — and kings — And why the sea is boiling hot —       And whether pigs have wings.’ This week is a continuation of last weeks post about the end of the fossil fuel industry.  This week is specifically focused on…

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The Big Gamble:  Betting Our Future on Ignorance?

The Big Gamble: Betting Our Future on Ignorance?

The following Newsweek opinion piece’s principal message is that the current COVID-19 pandemic should teach us the lesson about the cost of failing to recognize foreseeable disasters and take actions to mitigate them.  Denying the science behind pending catastrophes doesn’t make them go away.   “The real discussion we should be having is not about the age-old debate of big government versus small…

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Coming to a City Near You: Horrifying Ramifications of Excessive Heat

Coming to a City Near You: Horrifying Ramifications of Excessive Heat

Reading the following article from Rolling Stone Magazine, I don’t know where to begin.  If you’ve ever read one of their feature articles you know how long they are.  So, I am reluctant to use them in my postings.  Yet, this one is so compelling.  It is about the impact of extreme heat that is coming as a result of climate change.…

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111 degrees in France, a Record. This is What Climate Crisis Looks Like Today.  Imagine 10 Years from Now!

111 degrees in France, a Record. This is What Climate Crisis Looks Like Today. Imagine 10 Years from Now!

Normally I wouldn’t send you another piece of news so soon after my last post but this article was simply too compelling and extreme for me to wait. All I can say is read the whole thing.  It is horrifying.  And it’s coming to your city or town eventually. Especially if you are in Phoenix, LA, Las Vegas, Atlanta or…

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It’s Exponentially Worse Than You Are Thinking…

It’s Exponentially Worse Than You Are Thinking…

  I’ve been telling you for years and years that our warming planet was headed for consequences much greater than was being predicted by main stream scientists and reported by the main stream media.  I warned that consequences would happen faster and with more impact than most people were willing to say to the public.  But as I’ve delineated in the last…

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