I am not going to dwell on any one particular issue today but rather thought that I would simply present you with some news on events that are happening that inform and update you on how and what things are changing relative to some of my usual subjects. I want to start though with giving you a link to a…
Boy oh boy. A guy can’t go on vacation for a couple of weeks without the world turning up side down. Yeah, after a year and a half barely leaving my house and now that the whole family is fully vaccinated, we took a nice break on the beach for a couple of weeks. It sure felt good! Fishing, tennis,…
You all know the story about the frog and the boiling pot of water. If you threw a frog into a pot of hot water it would immediately jump out. But if it were in a pot of water that was at a temperature that it found normal and gradually turned up the heat it would slowly boil to death.…
Back in June 2018 I sent out this piece: Altering NSR Can Kill You. Concerned?? (https://franklytalking.com/altering-nsr-can-kill-you-concerned/) Well, NSR (New Source Review) is back in the news. I’m really delighted to send you this article today. You probably know that I am a life member of Sierra Club having joined the Club in 1976. I have been actively engaged…
Getting away from climate issues for a moment, the following article reminds us once again that elections really matter to our personal lives and health. Who sits on the benches of our courts directly determines the quality and nature of the air we breath and the water we drink and in which we play. “The U.S. Supreme Court is set…