Tag: CO2

Apologies Are Not Going to Cut It

Apologies Are Not Going to Cut It

Last week I wrote about the multitude of articles showing how our country is waking up to the climate crisis and beginning to react.  None too soon because the consequences are becoming not only worse but converging.  Or, as the following article describes, cascading.   The article from the NYT is a bit long and honestly, scary and depressing as…

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All At Once

All At Once

Over the decades that I have been writing these articles I have reported on a number  of themes most of which relate to climate change.  Of course, when writing about different themes referring to the same topic they logically compliment each other.  I thought that today, rather than featuring one topic, I’d highlight several that are all intertwined.  Thus, I am…

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EV Battery Technology in Overdrive

EV Battery Technology in Overdrive

As you know, I have been writing about the adaptation of electric vehicles forever and predicting the conversion to an all electric fleet long before the “experts” have been prognosticating.  One of the primary reasons is that I have faith that battery technology and competitive costs will occur quantum times faster than conventional “wisdom”. Facts on the ground continue to support my…

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Honey Bee Good News

Honey Bee Good News

  I imagine that many, if not most or all, of you know that the populations of pollinators have plummeted dramatically over the last couple of decades all over the world.  Bees and monarch butterflies are the canaries in the coal mine so to speak.    The dramatic decimation of their populations dramatize how what may appear to be minor changes in climate…

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Remember NSR?  Here’s How It Is Making Your Life Better

Remember NSR? Here’s How It Is Making Your Life Better

  Back in June 2018 I sent out this piece:  Altering NSR Can Kill You.  Concerned??   (https://franklytalking.com/altering-nsr-can-kill-you-concerned/) Well, NSR (New Source Review) is back in the news.  I’m really delighted to send you this article today.  You probably know that I am a life member of Sierra Club having joined the Club in 1976.  I have been actively engaged…

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Still Think That Fossil Fuel Assets are a Good Investment?

Still Think That Fossil Fuel Assets are a Good Investment?

I hope you listened to my warnings over the past few years and divested yourself from any asset in any way tied to fossil fuels not just for moral reasons but for your own financial security.   A great deal of the asset values supporting the prices of a fossil fuel extraction company’s financial instruments is the capitalized cost of the proven…

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How Many Fingers Do You Have?

How Many Fingers Do You Have?

I have been writing for a long time about following the money as it relates to climate change.  More recently I’ve been revealing how more and more finance entities have been committing to begin redirecting their capital away from fossil fuel projects and into renewable energy assets.  This started with a trickle and becoming a torrent.  When this started it was tentative and…

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Let’s Get Something Straight

Science matters.  While there aren’t many climate change skeptics any more, unless you belong to the Republican Party, it is  worthwhile to see graphically what is happening to our planet’s atmosphere so we can be confident of the rationale for demanding aggressive action to avoid the worst consequences that a quickly warming climate will cause.  So short and to the point today.  A quick…

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