Tag: companies

Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

Last week I presented you with a smorgasbord of environmental news.  This week I’m going to display a variety of good and bad news that has been published in the last number of days.  I’ll start with the good news that should give us some level of optimism that we have the ability to do something effective to alter our society in order to…

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So Much So Fast

So Much So Fast

Today’s messaging is going to be a smorgasbord.  I am going to display for you a variety of items pertaining to several of the topics I cover.  Transportation, insurance, real estate (primarily housing), water shortages and biodiversity.   Since the last few blogs have been about the auto industry let me start there.  If there is still any doubt in your mind as…

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40% by ’30?  Doubtful.  It will be 90 to 100%

40% by ’30? Doubtful. It will be 90 to 100%

Most of you know that my career was mostly in the automobile business basically my whole life but full time from 1976 to 2009.  That is why I have a keen interest and insight into the industry.  That shows up in this blog as I continue to read the Automotive News weekly and follow the business in other ways as…

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Just What I’ve Been Predicting

Just What I’ve Been Predicting

The focus of today’s commentary is about the insurance industry and the role and the consequences that the warming planet is having on the industry and how this is and will effect your daily life.  There are two principal aspects that I am going to address.  First, how climate change is impacting insurance and the implications to each of us…

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Have You Ever Thought About How the Jet Stream is Impacting Your Electric Bill?

Have You Ever Thought About How the Jet Stream is Impacting Your Electric Bill?

I was listening to the radio yesterday and the “disk jockey” asked the listeners what covid habit you got into you were going to get ride of/change now that restrictions are being lifted a bit.  I realized that one that I have fallen into is writing this article pretty much every Sunday.  You may have noticed, but probably not, that I missed…

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The Miracle of Life on Earth Hinges on a Delicate Balance

The Miracle of Life on Earth Hinges on a Delicate Balance

Happy Father’s Day and first day of summer!   Today’s article is about science and a new way of measuring what we humans are doing to our atmosphere and subsequently the climate.  Here’s a fundamental premise of the piece that follows.   “The miracle of life on Earth hinges on a delicate balance. The sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere, warming the planet. At the…

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Remember Exponents from School?

Remember Exponents from School?

Recently, I’ve mostly been writing about what is going to happen to our society as a result of a warmer climate.  Real estate, insurance, finance, fossil fuel industry, carbon taxes, transportation (especially cars and trucks), etc. I decided today to remind everyone why these consequences are all going to happen.  Paraphrasing what someone once said, It’s the Climate Stupid.  As CO2…

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What’s the Difference Between Cobalt and Magnesium?

What’s the Difference Between Cobalt and Magnesium?

I start today by reiterating my long standing prediction that by 2030 all new cars (and increasingly it looks like light duty trucks and maybe even some heavy duty ones too) sold in the U.S. will be fully electric or drive 95% of the time on electricity.  Back in 2014 when I first made a bet on this it was pretty…

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Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Boy oh boy.  A guy can’t go on vacation for a couple of weeks without the world turning up side down.  Yeah, after a year and a half barely leaving my house and now that the whole family is fully vaccinated, we took a nice break on the beach for a couple of weeks.  It sure felt good!  Fishing, tennis,…

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