“While electric-vehicle adoption remains small globally, and is expected to rise gradually, the prospect of a large-scale shift is setting up a showdown between oil companies and utilities over who will power tomorrow’s cars.” I am doing something a little different today. I am quoting the punch line above. Transition from fossil fueled vehicles to those powered by electricity (hopefully,…
In case you or someone you know still has any doubts about the fact of human caused climate change or of its devastating consequences and effects this article should make you think twice a hundred times. Events are unfolding along the lines that have been predicted for a few decades now. Have you seen any of the articles about how…
The following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal recently. It reveals how energy companies are viewing the future of automotive transportation. It also describes some of the investments that are being made in encouraging and preparing for a world full of electric vehicles (EV’s). While conventional wisdom continues to predict that a sizable portion of the market will still…
The map below does not copy well to this posting. The title is “The World: 4 degrees C Warmer”. And it notes, “No one knows exactly what this world will look like, but models provide insights into forced human migrations and our future power generation.” Another notation is: “Amazon: desert”. How accurate this might be if we are unable to…
When you think of climate change what do you think of? Do you think about how it will affect you personally? Or how it may affect others? Do you worry about hurricanes? Tornados? Flooding? Sea level rise? Storm surge? Fires? Drought? Mud slides? Heat waves? Travel delays? Economic impact? Refugees? War? All of our lives are most likely are going…
There are untold numbers of articles reiterating the fact that regardless of what the Trump Administration does about reducing the current CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards it would be insane for the auto manufacturers NOT to continue pushing forward on maximum fuel economy for their ICE’s (Internal Combustion Engines) and rollout of electric vehicles. The article below is one…
I’d love to be wrong on my prognostications about the consequences of a warming climate as that would mean that the future is not so bleak as I’ve often made it out to be. And I guess it’s a bit braggadocios to be an “I told you so”. But, as has been the case over and over, the early warnings…
Here is another example of how our youth are standing up and advocating for their own future. There are several lawsuits that may seem problematic and far fetched at first but are gaining traction in court. Each one continues to move forward step by step. At their core, they are based on the constitutional right of children to have a…
Since I’ve been writing about how horrible the impact of Global Climate Change is likely to be, I thought I’d pass on a more optimistic view. Besides, some of you have been responding to me siting information showing that things aren’t as dire as I make them out to be. Let’s hope that I am over inflating our grim future. I…
I know. I said that the last post would be the last about how the warming climate is impacting our society. But I just couldn’t help myself with this article since it dovetails perfectly with my previous message. “That river is drying up. This winter, snow in the Rocky Mountains, which feeds the Colorado, was 70% lower than average.” “the…