The planet is already experiencing huge impacts from the increasing heat caused by our emitting heat trapping gasses, primarily CO2 and methane. The consequences are going to get much worse due to the amount of these compounds we’ve already emitted but also what we will inevitably put into the atmosphere in the next 10 years and beyond. And while we have and opportunity to mitigate the worse…
Back in the 80’s when it was obvious to me that the science of global warming was clear and convincing I began trying to get others to believe it was happening as well. That has been a long, gradual and uphill process. Nevertheless, in the last two years or so it seems like a critical mass has been achieved here in…
Last April I told you for a second time not to worry about the proposed fuel economy standards (CAFE) rollbacks because even if the Trump Administration did issue lower regulations that most likely they wouldn’t be implemented and if they were, the auto manufacturers would not adhere to them. 10 Months Later the Story’s Still the Same: Trump is Irrelevant You’ve seen that…
The following article is long and primarily focused on the risk of investments in fossil fuels. While I have been cautioning you about this for years the chickens are now coming home to roost. The financial markets are finally seeing the signs of a fundamental shift in where energy production is going. And the markets are reacting. While this is…
Our youngest of 4, our daughter Melanie, got married last weekend. What a spectacular, magical event. We had hoped to hold the ceremony outside on the shore overlooking Lake Michigan. Thank goodness we had an indoor backup plan. The country was baking under a massive heat wave and the temperature that day was 96 degrees. But this weather,…
Normally I wouldn’t send you another piece of news so soon after my last post but this article was simply too compelling and extreme for me to wait. All I can say is read the whole thing. It is horrifying. And it’s coming to your city or town eventually. Especially if you are in Phoenix, LA, Las Vegas, Atlanta or…
The last several articles that I’ve sent you were about how the warming climate is creating unprecedented weather events around the U.S. and the world. CO2 levels have shattered concentrations such that it’s now, around 415 ppm, at a concentration that has never existed during human existence. Or, for millions of years before that. We are heading into new uncharted territory at a pace…
I’ve been telling you for years and years that our warming planet was headed for consequences much greater than was being predicted by main stream scientists and reported by the main stream media. I warned that consequences would happen faster and with more impact than most people were willing to say to the public. But as I’ve delineated in the last…
In my last post the other day I wrote about how a new method of producing concrete has the potential of removing massive amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere if adopted as the only way of cement production on a world wide scale. It is becoming increasingly certain that to keep the climate from destroying our way of life we not only need…
For many years I’ve been hearing about schemes to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere. I always thought they were nuts. Rube Goldberg type of stuff. ( Since the Paris Climate Accord I’ve been hearing some prominent scientists saying that unless we find ways to suck CO2 out of the air there is no practical way that we are going to keep…