Tag: Mike Brune

Is it Time to Engage Now??

Is it Time to Engage Now??

Recently I wrote about what you can personally do to help protect the planet from the worst possible outcomes of climate chaos and leave our descendants a more hospitable and livable environment.   https://franklytalking.com/quitting-your-hamburger-addiction-aint-gonna-cut-it/ One of the things I suggested was joining Sierra Club and helping in these pursuits.  (Full disclosure, as  you probably know, I have been a Club member since…

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Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?”  Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet.  My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…

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Here It Comes!  A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Here It Comes! A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”.  The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time.  The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…

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What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

Since the election on November 8, I have been asked countless times “what is the Sierra Club going to do to protect our environment?”  And this: “What can I do to prevent our natural resources and climate to be devastated by actions of the Trump Administration?”  The simple answer is to RESIST.  We simply cannot allow this new reality become acceptable.…

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Like I Said…

Like I Said…

We had dinner with some old friends last night.  The conversation inevitably turned to politics (ugh).  I brought up my recent blog about CRA and the overturning of the Stream Protection Rule.  I tried to explain why anyone (read Republicans and a couple of Democrats) would want to permit (encourage?) blowing the tops off of mountains and then dump the…

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A Tale of Two Meetings

A Tale of Two Meetings

The end of the summer and fall were extremely busy for me.  Thus, I failed to publish a report of the September Annual Sierra Club meeting. Therefore, I am going to do a twofer now and provide an overview of both the September and November meetings. This is not the report that I had anticipated prior to November 8th.  We…

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Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 27, 2016 in Los Angeles

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 27, 2016 in Los Angeles

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 27, 2016 in Los Angeles Introduction. The just concluded meeting featured some interesting and historic moments punctuated with various noteworthy events.  We started with an inspiring gathering together with the Sierra Club Foundation at which we were greeted to LA by none other than the mayor of LA, Eric Garcetti.  It is amazing…

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