Happy New Year! As we start 2022 I think back a few weeks to my last article of 2021 and reflect on how we started last year and where we ended up. I am reminded that every year progress towards a new future happens more rapidly and dramatically than is expected by common perception. Remember this time next year that I am…
I am going to take some time off with my family so this will be my last post in 2021. I’ll list some recent news at the end, as usual, but I want to reflect and share some thoughts about this past year in order that we grasp how much and how quickly our circumstances have changed, are changing and…
Every week there is so much news that is published about so many of the topics relating to climate change upon which I attempt to keep you abreast. This week is no different. The primary one upon which I will dwell today is very revealing as to why it is so important to keep warming below 1.5 degrees celsius and how the…
Every week brings a wide array of articles that relate to and provide updated information and developments regarding many of the topics about which I report to you. Sometimes I will feature one subject in more detail while also now providing you with headlines and a brief quote from the featured article and others so you get the salient point(s)…
Last week I presented you with a smorgasbord of environmental news. This week I’m going to display a variety of good and bad news that has been published in the last number of days. I’ll start with the good news that should give us some level of optimism that we have the ability to do something effective to alter our society in order to…
Recently, I’ve mostly been writing about what is going to happen to our society as a result of a warmer climate. Real estate, insurance, finance, fossil fuel industry, carbon taxes, transportation (especially cars and trucks), etc. I decided today to remind everyone why these consequences are all going to happen. Paraphrasing what someone once said, It’s the Climate Stupid. As CO2…
Boy oh boy. A guy can’t go on vacation for a couple of weeks without the world turning up side down. Yeah, after a year and a half barely leaving my house and now that the whole family is fully vaccinated, we took a nice break on the beach for a couple of weeks. It sure felt good! Fishing, tennis,…
MANY years ago when my kids were little (the youngest is 31 now) we had a Beetlejuice doll. It was about 18 inches tall and when you pulled a string it would say “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice” and its head would spin around. It would freak out our dog and at one point he tore the thing apart leaving only the head and…
You probably didn’t notice that I didn’t write an article last week. I just needed a break. But in the last two weeks, the news has not stopped. So this week, I am simply going to recap some headlines of what has occurred recently. These headlines, and maybe one brief passage from the article, cover a broad swath of the…
This past week I gave a presentation to a group on climate change. This was a group that was not fundamentally focussed on this issue but seemed to have a general interest and awareness of it. The theme I decided to follow was to give an overview of all the ways that a changing, warming climate was already altering so…