Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”. The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time. The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…
Back in the 80’s when it was obvious to me that the science of global warming was clear and convincing I began trying to get others to believe it was happening as well. That has been a long, gradual and uphill process. Nevertheless, in the last two years or so it seems like a critical mass has been achieved here in…
The following article is long and primarily focused on the risk of investments in fossil fuels. While I have been cautioning you about this for years the chickens are now coming home to roost. The financial markets are finally seeing the signs of a fundamental shift in where energy production is going. And the markets are reacting. While this is…
I ran into a friend at a party a short while ago who I hadn’t seen in quite a while. He gets this newsletter and remarked to me that he appreciated getting the info and my passion for the subject matter. And then he asked me if we were really in any big trouble. Of course I answered with a…
On June 15th I sent you this article: Can Concrete Really Save the Planet? As a follow up to this is the following article which describes the pressure that investors are placing on cement companies to reduce and ultimately eliminate their CO2 emissions. “Members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate change and the Climate Action 100+, a coalition…
Our youngest of 4, our daughter Melanie, got married last weekend. What a spectacular, magical event. We had hoped to hold the ceremony outside on the shore overlooking Lake Michigan. Thank goodness we had an indoor backup plan. The country was baking under a massive heat wave and the temperature that day was 96 degrees. But this weather,…
Normally I wouldn’t send you another piece of news so soon after my last post but this article was simply too compelling and extreme for me to wait. All I can say is read the whole thing. It is horrifying. And it’s coming to your city or town eventually. Especially if you are in Phoenix, LA, Las Vegas, Atlanta or…
Last June after the Trump Administration announced that is was going to roll back the Obama era fuel economy standards I told you not to worry about that. Here’s the link to that posting. Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks 10 months later the message is still the same and what I said then is being reiterated again now… “”It’s a global…
I know. I know. I keep sending you articles about extreme weather and its consequences. It’s because it’s my perception that most people, especially those in the US, haven’t yet come to grips with how bad the circumstances are that we are already experiencing around the planet due to the increased heat in the atmosphere . And, therefore, how much worse it is…
If you are still thinking that extreme weather from a warming planet is still years away and that we have time to react, you’d better start paying attention to what is already happening all over the globe. It’s time to listen carefully to the scientists and start making dramatic changes NOW before things get really out of hand or we move past…