Tag: Public Health

How About Some Variety Today?

How About Some Variety Today?

I am not going to dwell on any one particular issue today but rather thought that I would simply present you with some news on events that are happening that inform and update you on how and what things are changing relative to some of my usual subjects. I want to start though with giving you a link to a…

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Where Are We Exactly???

Where Are We Exactly???

Every week brings a wide array of articles that relate to and provide updated information and developments regarding many of the topics about which I report to you.  Sometimes I will feature one subject in more detail while also now providing you with headlines and a brief quote from the featured article and others so you get the salient point(s)…

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So Much So Fast

So Much So Fast

Today’s messaging is going to be a smorgasbord.  I am going to display for you a variety of items pertaining to several of the topics I cover.  Transportation, insurance, real estate (primarily housing), water shortages and biodiversity.   Since the last few blogs have been about the auto industry let me start there.  If there is still any doubt in your mind as…

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Why Are Over 200 Medical Journals Frightened?

Why Are Over 200 Medical Journals Frightened?

It’s been a few weeks since you’ve heard from me as I was on vacation.  My son Zack (35) and I went on a wilderness kayaking trip on the Allagash River in very northern Maine with a group from Sierra Club.  We had a great time.  It was so very nice to get removed from civilization for 8 days and just relax.…

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We’re Here: Don’t Blink…Or You’ll Miss It

We’re Here: Don’t Blink…Or You’ll Miss It

After a couple of weeks of posting current headlines about what is happening around the country and globe relating to climate change, I was thinking that this week I’d tackle just one topic, one article, and get into it in more depth.  But as I reviewed the articles that I had read and saved for this publication I was once…

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Been Watching the Headlines Recently?

Been Watching the Headlines Recently?

You probably didn’t notice that I didn’t write an article last week.  I just needed a break.  But in the last two weeks, the news has not stopped.  So this week, I am simply going to recap some headlines of what has occurred recently.  These headlines, and maybe one brief passage from the article, cover a broad swath of the…

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2 Cents and Disconnect

2 Cents and Disconnect

I received some great feedback on the post I sent out last week about the possibility of a fee on carbon.  The following is a great summary of what I heard. Just flagging that a carbon tax unless set extraordinarily high – likely drives little progress outside of the power sector, e.g. in bldgs, transport and industry. And with coal only 20%…

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