
More Encouraging Battery and Energy Storage Development News

More Encouraging Battery and Energy Storage Development News

This article presents more information on how quickly we are adding energy storage capacity in the U.S.  This development will help accelerate the exponential growth of renewable energy by making it more reliable.  The economic opportunity of this growing industry is enormous further fueling our economy. (Pun intended.) Last night I attended an event of my alma mater, the University of…

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Green Power Storage Coming on Strong

Green Power Storage Coming on Strong

A big concern about solar and wind power’s ability to take over electricity production is the intermittent nature of the source.  To ensure that there is  power when and where we need it it is necessary to be able to have adequate storage of this type of power.  The following article is very informative about the current status of our…

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Fracking 101: Why the Sierra Club Opposes Fracking, Period

Fracking 101: Why the Sierra Club Opposes Fracking, Period

At our last Sierra Club Board Meeting in November we voted unequivocally to oppose hydraulic fracturing commonly known as fracking.  I enthusiastically support this position and policy. My personal opinion is that we are not going to realistically be able to stop all fracking in the U.S. tomorrow.  But the sooner the better.  Before we destroy our water tables, poison…

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Yes, The U.S. Can Reduce Emissions 80% by 2050 – In 6 Graphs

Yes, The U.S. Can Reduce Emissions 80% by 2050 – In 6 Graphs

Finally, there are an increasing number of well documented research papers being published that are validating what I have been saying for a long, long time: SOLVING THE CLIMATE CRISIS IS TECHNOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE AND WILL NOT DESTROY OUR ECONOMY.  IN FACT, IT WILL ACTUALLY BE ECONOMICALLY PROFITABLE TO DO SO ESPECIALLY WHEN PUBLIC HEALTH COSTS ARE ALSO PART OF THE…

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The Pentagon Doubles Down on Climate

The Pentagon Doubles Down on Climate

Some of you that have been receiving my emails since I began sending them in the mid 90’s may recall one back then that referenced the initial report from the Pentagon declaring that climate change was their biggest concern for the threat to long term world security.  And over 15 years later, their initial perceptions have only become more solidified as,…

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