Tag: sierra club

How About Some Variety Today?

How About Some Variety Today?

I am not going to dwell on any one particular issue today but rather thought that I would simply present you with some news on events that are happening that inform and update you on how and what things are changing relative to some of my usual subjects. I want to start though with giving you a link to a…

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Remember NSR?  Here’s How It Is Making Your Life Better

Remember NSR? Here’s How It Is Making Your Life Better

  Back in June 2018 I sent out this piece:  Altering NSR Can Kill You.  Concerned??   (https://franklytalking.com/altering-nsr-can-kill-you-concerned/) Well, NSR (New Source Review) is back in the news.  I’m really delighted to send you this article today.  You probably know that I am a life member of Sierra Club having joined the Club in 1976.  I have been actively engaged…

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It’s FINALLY Happened!!!

It’s FINALLY Happened!!!

“Georgia regulators this month halted the last proposed coal plant in the United States.” “”This represents the end of a bad idea,””   VICTORY!  FINALLY!  The seeds of the campaign to stop any new coal plants from being built and put into operation started here in Chicago back in the mid 90’s with the Sierra Club Northern Illinois Air Quality…

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Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?”  Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet.  My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…

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Here It Comes!  A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Here It Comes! A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”.  The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time.  The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…

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How About A Change of Pace?

How About A Change of Pace?

There have been a great deal of articles recently with information and developments which I want to share with you.  My practice has been not to deluge you with emails from me and limit my posts to 2 or 3 a week.  I’ve decided to alter that practice for the time being and write to you more often, if I can find the time.…

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Another One Hits the Dust – Actually 2

Another One Hits the Dust – Actually 2

In following up on my last post about how insurance companies are retreating from providing coverage for the coal industry, here is information published by Sierra Club reaffirming that the retirement of coal plants is continuing unabated by anything that is happening in Washington right now.  The information presented below speaks for itself but here are some of the highlights.  …

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Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

I’d love to be wrong on my prognostications about the consequences of a warming climate as that would mean that the future is not so bleak as I’ve often made it out to be. And I guess it’s a bit braggadocios to be an “I told you so”. But, as has been the case over and over, the early warnings…

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