No matter what we do now, we’ve already baked in increasingly severe consequences from a warming climate. That said, if we do nothing and stay on the trajectory upon which we are currently headed, the future of our civilization is in extreme jeopardy. As it stands right now, we will unquestionably have to adopt to some changes but by being proactive…
In the past I have written about potential pivotal technology advances that will change the paradigm for electric vehicles (including planes and ships). We have all read many announcements with hope, only to never see these come into commercial fruition. (Although in an upcoming post I am going to be following up on one that I wrote about not too long ago that actually IS going into full…
The planet is already experiencing huge impacts from the increasing heat caused by our emitting heat trapping gasses, primarily CO2 and methane. The consequences are going to get much worse due to the amount of these compounds we’ve already emitted but also what we will inevitably put into the atmosphere in the next 10 years and beyond. And while we have and opportunity to mitigate the worse…
Back in the 80’s when it was obvious to me that the science of global warming was clear and convincing I began trying to get others to believe it was happening as well. That has been a long, gradual and uphill process. Nevertheless, in the last two years or so it seems like a critical mass has been achieved here in…
Undoubtedly you read or heard about the power shutoff that occurred in California recently by PG & E due to wildfires. Most likely, though, you may not have thought about some of the implications of this beyond the immediate concern of the people effected by this event. The ongoing issues are very disconcerting and cannot be resolved overnight. In fact, they may…
The following article is long and primarily focused on the risk of investments in fossil fuels. While I have been cautioning you about this for years the chickens are now coming home to roost. The financial markets are finally seeing the signs of a fundamental shift in where energy production is going. And the markets are reacting. While this is…
Reading the following article from Rolling Stone Magazine, I don’t know where to begin. If you’ve ever read one of their feature articles you know how long they are. So, I am reluctant to use them in my postings. Yet, this one is so compelling. It is about the impact of extreme heat that is coming as a result of climate change.…
The last post I sent you emphasized how dramatically the earth is heating up and consistently smashing heat records worldwide by huge margins at a vastly higher pace than anytime in the past. This is one of the results. “What was once exceptional is becoming more frequent today.” “The melting has reached parts of Greenland that typically stay frozen all year…
On June 15th I sent you this article: Can Concrete Really Save the Planet? As a follow up to this is the following article which describes the pressure that investors are placing on cement companies to reduce and ultimately eliminate their CO2 emissions. “Members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate change and the Climate Action 100+, a coalition…
Our youngest of 4, our daughter Melanie, got married last weekend. What a spectacular, magical event. We had hoped to hold the ceremony outside on the shore overlooking Lake Michigan. Thank goodness we had an indoor backup plan. The country was baking under a massive heat wave and the temperature that day was 96 degrees. But this weather,…