Undoubtedly you read or heard about the power shutoff that occurred in California recently by PG & E due to wildfires.  Most likely, though, you may not have thought about some of the implications of this beyond the immediate concern of the people effected by this event.

The ongoing issues are very disconcerting and cannot be resolved overnight.  In fact, they may never be corrected.  Adopting to the warming climate is going to be much more than simply turning up the air conditioning.  Having the power to do that is an immediate concern but there are so many more issues that we haven’t yet, or are just beginning, to realize.  One to consider is that excessive heat will ground air travel and make roads too hot to drive on stranding people at home and if the power goes off, without air conditioning or refrigeration in their kitchens or power for medical devices.

I am trying a new format in this issue.  I have linked three articles about adaptation with a few highlights from them.  There is so much more in each of them for you from which to learn.  But if all you do is read this you’ll get a feel of how much change is coming and fast…



“”Nobody saw this coming. Nobody””

“”We have a situation where it’s going to take between five and 10 years to do the work PG&E believes is necessary” to make the grid safer, including replacing and insulating lines and poles, Wara said. “And in the meantime, this is the option. There’s not another option.””

“Underground lines can take longer to repair and are subject to flooding, lightning strikes and earthquakes, so “it’s not a one size fits all solution,” “he said.

“”People have refrigerators full of food,” he said while buying extension cords for his generator. “It leaves this whole community scrambling around trying to save their food or their job or whatever it is.””



“many of PG&E’s customers, including some wildfire victims, appeared less concerned about wildfire than going days or weeks without electricity. Local officials said the blackouts could displace thousands, including elderly and medically dependent people, and could have a rippling effect on Northern California’s economy.

Yesterday afternoon, PG&E cautioned customers who rely on electric or battery-powered medical devices such as breathing machines, home oxygen or dialysis that it was “critical that you have a plan in place for an extended power outage.””


“Millions without electricity is what a third world country looks like, not a state that is the 5th largest economy in the world,” he added.”


“Rueb’s been tending the land for more than two decades, a firsthand observer of how climate change is morphing the region — through higher temperatures, decreasing water tables and long-term drought.”


“”Over the last couple years, we have transitioned out of the summer production, just because of excess heat, and as we get older it’s, like, really kind of difficult for us to do that work in this super hot climate

“Southern Arizona residents are coping with ever-sweltering summer temperatures — which now can top 120 degrees Fahrenheit”

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