In my last few messages I’ve been writing about some encouraging developments that have been occurring recently that give hope that despite the current administration in DC right now (I can’t get myself to say it’s name) there is reason to think our society is waking up to the urgent need to act with expediency to blunt the worst impacts of a changing/warming atmosphere. Just a few short years ago I could not have dreamed that we’d see all that is going on NOW .  For this we must be glad.

Now, the bad news… the reason for all the worry and concern.  Things are already bad and getting worse.  One recent outlook called the outlook for our future, “bleak”.  I certainly cannot argue with this.  The amount of alteration that we have already done to the atmosphere has baked in ever multiplying consequences that would occur even IF we were to be able to stop today from continuing to dump harmful chemicals into the air.   Which, of course we can’t.  Even optimists figure at the very best, we can make dramatic progress in the next ten years…which we absolutely MUST do.

Lest we forget, or fail to realize what we’ve already done I am attaching an article below that I have completely highlighted in green.  I probably should have put it in red.  It summarizes what has happened since the Climate Conference in Rio in 1992.  And it ain’t pretty….  We’re in for a rough go of it, sorry to say.  So, after reading the grim data, when someone tries to tell you how things haven’t changed and there’s actually more ice and less fires and fire damage or flooding you can tell them with confidence that they’re delusional.

Meanwhile, have a happy new year and all the best for 2020.  

Warming Toll: 1 degree Hotter, Trillions of Tons of Ice Gone

Since leaders first started talking about tackling the problem of climate change, the world has spewed more heat-trapping gases, gotten hotter and suffered hundreds of extreme weather disasters. Fires have burned, ice has melted and seas have grown.
The first United Nations diplomatic conference to tackle climate change was in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Here’s what’s happened to Earth since:
  • The carbon dioxide level in the air has jumped from about 358 parts per million to nearly 412, according to NOAA. That’s a 15% rise in 27 years.

  • Emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from fossil fuel and industry jumped from 6.06 billion metric tons of carbon in 1992 to 9.87 billion metric tons in 2017, according to the Global Carbon Project. That’s a 63% increase in 25 years.

  • The global average temperature rose a tad more than a degree Fahrenheit (0.57 degree Celsius) in 27 years, according to NOAA.

  • Since Jan. 1, 1993, there have been 212 weather disasters that cost the United States at least $1 billion each, when adjusted for inflation. In total, they cost $1.45 trillion and killed more than 10,000 people. That’s an average of 7.8 such disasters per year since 1993, compared with 3.2 per year from 1980 to 1992, according to NOAA.

  • The U.S. Climate Extremes Index has nearly doubled from 1992 to 2018, according to NOAA. The index takes into account far-from-normal temperatures, drought and overall dry spells, and abnormal downpours.

  • Nine of the 10 costliest hurricanes to hit the United States when adjusted for inflation have struck since late 1992. The other one, Andrew at No. 6, hit in August 1992, according to NOAA.

  • The number of acres burned by wildfires in the United States has more than doubled from a five-year average of 3.3 million acres in 1992 to 7.6 million acres in 2018.

  • The annual average extent of Arctic sea ice has shrunk from 4.7 million square miles in 1992 to 3.9 million square miles in 2019, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. That’s a 17% decrease.

  • The Greenland ice sheet lost 5.2 trillion tons of ice from 1993 to 2018, according to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  • The Antarctic ice sheet lost 3 trillion tons of ice from 1992 to 2017, according to a study in the journal Nature.

  • The global sea level has risen on average 2.9 millimeters a year since 1992. That’s a total of 78.3 millimeters, or 3.1 inches, according to NOAA. — Seth Borenstein, Associated Press

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