Tag: united states

What do Lamborghini, Amazon, GM, Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi, National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Have in Common?  Big News of the Week.

What do Lamborghini, Amazon, GM, Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi, National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Have in Common? Big News of the Week.

To start off today I want to share with you some information that may be of great interest to you or someone you know.  Many of you know that my wife Debbie has asthma.  For some time now we have been receiving from Sierra Club text messages when the air quality is dangerous for her so she can act accordingly…stay inside and…

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles… A Favorite Thanksgiving Movie

Planes, Trains and Automobiles… A Favorite Thanksgiving Movie

I hope that you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and for all my Jewish readers, a very happy Chanukah starting at sundown tonight.  We are having our Chanukah party tonight! Reflecting on what I am most thankful for it is the same this year as always: my family and health of all of us.  I and my family have all been…

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Just What I’ve Been Predicting

Just What I’ve Been Predicting

The focus of today’s commentary is about the insurance industry and the role and the consequences that the warming planet is having on the industry and how this is and will effect your daily life.  There are two principal aspects that I am going to address.  First, how climate change is impacting insurance and the implications to each of us…

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Why Are Climate Scientists Wrong?

Why Are Climate Scientists Wrong?

It’s been a few weeks since my last post as I took some time off to enjoy the summer as it quickly slips away from us all.  Unfortunately, the deteriorating climate doesn’t take a vacation.  You’ve undoubtedly heard about the UN report that documents how dire and irreversible the climate circumstances are.  (See the long article posted at the end of my portion.)…

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Remember Exponents from School?

Remember Exponents from School?

Recently, I’ve mostly been writing about what is going to happen to our society as a result of a warmer climate.  Real estate, insurance, finance, fossil fuel industry, carbon taxes, transportation (especially cars and trucks), etc. I decided today to remind everyone why these consequences are all going to happen.  Paraphrasing what someone once said, It’s the Climate Stupid.  As CO2…

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Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Boy oh boy.  A guy can’t go on vacation for a couple of weeks without the world turning up side down.  Yeah, after a year and a half barely leaving my house and now that the whole family is fully vaccinated, we took a nice break on the beach for a couple of weeks.  It sure felt good!  Fishing, tennis,…

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We’re Here: Don’t Blink…Or You’ll Miss It

We’re Here: Don’t Blink…Or You’ll Miss It

After a couple of weeks of posting current headlines about what is happening around the country and globe relating to climate change, I was thinking that this week I’d tackle just one topic, one article, and get into it in more depth.  But as I reviewed the articles that I had read and saved for this publication I was once…

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Been Watching the Headlines Recently?

Been Watching the Headlines Recently?

You probably didn’t notice that I didn’t write an article last week.  I just needed a break.  But in the last two weeks, the news has not stopped.  So this week, I am simply going to recap some headlines of what has occurred recently.  These headlines, and maybe one brief passage from the article, cover a broad swath of the…

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