As I have been writing about for years and in many of my most recent articles, follow the money. Fossil fuels are being abandon like a hot potato. As predicted, costs of renewables have dropped more than dramatically. In 10 years solar has gone from $300 a megawatt hour to $38 in China today. And wind in the last 10 years has gone from $100 to $37. And, of course, these cost reductions are not going to stop.
“Equipment costs have come down, technologies have improved and governments across the world have boosted clean-power targets as they seek to combat climate change. That could squeeze out coal and natural gas when utilities develop new power plants.”
“Solar and onshore wind power are now the cheapest new sources of electricity in at least two-thirds of the world’s population, further threatening the two fossil-fuel stalwarts — coal and natural gas.”
““There are plenty of innovations in the pipeline that will drive down costs further.””
“Battery storage is also getting more competitive.”
Given all this it is clear where investment $$$$$$s are going and why, as predicted. With this and the onslaught of electric vehicles coming, it is clear that fossil fuels are toast. Is it any wonder?

Prices are even lower in countries including the U.S., China and Brazil. Photographer: Adriano Machado/Bloomberg