In my last two posts (  &  one was about record breaking heat in Australia and the other referenced “Our own Pentagon has sited climate change as the biggest threat to the planet and peace”.  In the last couple of days, two additional articles have been published which relate to these two posts and reiterate the point.   First is a new post I wrote but haven’t distributed yet so here it is.  Following is another article that came out today.  Read up.  

Climate Wars

Adelaide Sets National Heat Record at 116 Degrees

Friday, January 25, 2019

Adelaide sweltered through the highest temperature ever recorded by a major Australian city yesterday, peaking at a searing 46.6 degrees Celsius (115.9 degrees Fahrenheit) as the drought-parched nation heads toward potentially the hottest January on record.

The South Australia state capital city of 1.3 million people beat its previous 80-year-old record of 46.1 C (115 F) set on Jan. 12, 1939, and records tumbled in smaller towns across the state.

Adelaide’s Red Lion Hotel promised free beer if the mercury topped 45 C, but only while it exceeded that benchmark. Bar manager Stephen Firth said the pub ran dry after giving away more than 185 gallons of beer over more than two hours.

“We probably thought it would come around one day, but we didn’t think it would be for such a prolonged period,” Firth said.

Adelaide beat the heat record set by Melbourne, Australia’s second-largest city, of 46.4 C (115.5 F) set in 2009.

Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Rob Sharpe said he would not be surprised if January becomes Australia’s hottest on record with heat wave conditions likely to persist.

Last year was Australia’s third-warmest on record.

Heat wave conditions combined with a prolonged drought across much of Australia’s southeast have led to scores of major wildfires during the Southern Hemisphere summer. — Associated Press

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