Today is Valentine’s Day. It’s a time to think about and appreciate all those in your life that you love. Those that know me know that my wife and family are the core of my life. Thus, today’s message is about the future…their future. I have been, and still am, terrified about the planet that my kids and their kids will be inheriting from me, from all of us, what we’ve done to it and the impact it will have on their lives.
There is no uncertainty that they will face climate circumstances that will be dramatically different in ways that I have pointed out. Now, though, I have a spark of optimism that finally, FINALLY, those in leadership positions, people that can actually make a difference, are beginning to seriously pay the degree of attention and concern that destroying our climate, and consequences thereof, deserves.
I’ve consistently said that the United States has a unique roll in combatting a rapidly changing climate the result of which is the unraveling of the web of life upon which all we rely. While what we accomplish here in the U.S. is only a small fraction of what needs to be done worldwide, our special role is to prove that it is possible to make the changes in our society needed to minimize and mitigate the worst consequences we might otherwise experience. Most importantly, not only is it technically possible, not only will it not destroy our economic prosperity but will actually enhance it. Not only will we enhance our economic prosperity but also make life much more enjoyable with clean air, water, lands, public health and equity.
As the following article points out, our government is beginning to initiate the steps necessary to not only pay appropriate attention to the crisis but to actually put into place what is required to push and pull us into a more sustainable future.
As I’ve always said, follow the money. Once we recognize the financial risk we face from a drastically altered climate and do what is necessary to address this, everything else will follow.
Now we are finally at the precipice of this epiphany… From the following article:
“Climate change is an emerging risk to financial institutions, the financial system, and the economy,”
Some of the following comments relate to exactly what I wrote about last week regarding the insanity of huge current investments in assets (real estate) that is clearly at very high risk from climate related disasters.
“Among the climate risks that Ms. Yellen and others see for the financial system are more frequent severe weather events such as flooding or wildfires that endanger assets underpinning bank loans.
For example, mortgages in coastal areas are vulnerable to hurricanes and sea level rise. New mortgages issued for U.S. coastal homes have exceeded $60 billion annually in recent years, according to research from economists Amine Ouazad and Matthew E. Kahn.
Seriously? You bet. And none toooooo soooooon.
From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:
Wall Street Journal
Yellen Is Creating a New Senior Treasury Post for Climate Czar
Obama administration veteran Sarah Bloom Raskin is top candidate to lead department’s climate efforts
Sarah Bloom Raskin has served as a deputy Treasury secretary and member of the Fed board.
WASHINGTON—Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen plans to wield the department’s broad powers to tackle potential risks to the financial system posed by climate change while pushing tax incentives to reduce carbon emissions.
Ms. Yellen is looking to a veteran of the Obama administration, Sarah Bloom Raskin, as the leading candidate for a new senior position that would head a new Treasury climate “hub,” according to people familiar with the matter. A former deputy Treasury secretary who once worked alongside Ms. Yellen on the Federal Reserve Board, Ms. Raskin has warned in interviews and speeches that U.S. regulators must do more to strengthen the financial system’s resilience to climate risks.
The move is part of the Biden administration’s effort across many government departments to address climate change and its impact on various industries. In two early moves, the administration rejoined the Paris climate accord and suspended new oil and gas leases on federal land.
“I think we need to seriously look at assessing the risk to the financial system from climate change,” Ms. Yellen said at her Senate confirmation hearing last month, calling it an “existential threat” to the U.S. economy. Ms. Yellen said the new hub would review financial stability risks and tax policy incentives related to climate change.
Her climate push is already facing resistance from some Republicans in Congress and financial industry officials wary of new regulatory burdens on banks after the Obama administration imposed widespread new rules following the 2008 financial crisis.
While climate risks are broadly acknowledged in the industry, there is no consensus on whether they can be mitigated through regulation.
Bank representatives say they worry U.S. policy makers could adopt some form of nonbinding climate stress tests—which have been introduced in the U.K.—potentially to help set bank capital requirements. They contend economic modeling is “extremely subjective and highly variable,” according to Francisco Covas of the Bank Policy Institute, an industry lobbying group.
“Significant further research and testing should precede any effort to make decisions about capital adequacy or other issues based on the results of climate-related stress tests,” Mr. Covas, a former Fed economist, wrote in an October research note.
Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) said he was concerned regulators could use climate stress tests to keep banks from lending to the oil-and-gas industry. “Financial regulators lack the expertise to make environmental policy,” he said in questions submitted to Ms. Yellen after her confirmation hearing.
‘Both the impact of climate change itself and policies to address it could have major impacts, creating stranded assets, generating large changes in asset prices, credit risks and so forth that could affect the financial system. These are very real risks.’— Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
Among the climate risks that Ms. Yellen and others see for the financial system are more frequent severe weather events such as flooding or wildfires that endanger assets underpinning bank loans.
For example, mortgages in coastal areas are vulnerable to hurricanes and sea level rise. New mortgages issued for U.S. coastal homes have exceeded $60 billion annually in recent years, according to research from economists Amine Ouazad and Matthew E. Kahn.
Appeared in the February 13, 2021, print edition as ‘Yellen Puts New Focus on Climate Risk.’