Sierra Club News

North Star

This is a very personal and hard article to write. One that I had hoped for almost two years not to have to author. And as much as I have personally struggled with this, I feel I have no alternative but to do so. In 1976 I joined Sierra Club. I did so primarily to help protect the wild places…

How About Some Variety Today?

I am not going to dwell on any one particular issue today but rather thought that I would simply present you with some news on events that are happening that inform and update you on how and what things are changing relative to some of my usual subjects. I want to start though with giving you a link to a…

Just What I’ve Been Predicting

The focus of today’s commentary is about the insurance industry and the role and the consequences that the warming planet is having on the industry and how this is and will effect your daily life.  There are two principal aspects that I am going to address.  First, how climate change is impacting insurance and the implications to each of us…

Why Are Over 200 Medical Journals Frightened?

It’s been a few weeks since you’ve heard from me as I was on vacation.  My son Zack (35) and I went on a wilderness kayaking trip on the Allagash River in very northern Maine with a group from Sierra Club.  We had a great time.  It was so very nice to get removed from civilization for 8 days and just relax.…

Don’t Give Up!

Today’s post will be mostly about current news/headlines to keep you current on some of the themes upon which I report.  Of course, a great deal is happening. First, though, I want to share a rather upbeat article so that I contest my reputation for being Mr. Doom and Gloom.  The message is from one of the authors of the…

Remember NSR? Here’s How It Is Making Your Life Better

  Back in June 2018 I sent out this piece:  Altering NSR Can Kill You.  Concerned??   ( Well, NSR (New Source Review) is back in the news.  I’m really delighted to send you this article today.  You probably know that I am a life member of Sierra Club having joined the Club in 1976.  I have been actively engaged…

It’s FINALLY Happened!!!

“Georgia regulators this month halted the last proposed coal plant in the United States.” “”This represents the end of a bad idea,””   VICTORY!  FINALLY!  The seeds of the campaign to stop any new coal plants from being built and put into operation started here in Chicago back in the mid 90’s with the Sierra Club Northern Illinois Air Quality…

Is it Time to Engage Now??

Recently I wrote about what you can personally do to help protect the planet from the worst possible outcomes of climate chaos and leave our descendants a more hospitable and livable environment. One of the things I suggested was joining Sierra Club and helping in these pursuits.  (Full disclosure, as  you probably know, I have been a Club member since…

Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?”  Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet.  My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…

Here It Comes! A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”.  The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time.  The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…

As Predicted

Last April I told you for a second time not to worry about the proposed fuel economy standards (CAFE) rollbacks because even if the Trump Administration did issue lower regulations that most likely they wouldn’t be implemented and if they were, the auto manufacturers would not adhere to them.     10 Months Later the Story’s Still the Same: Trump is Irrelevant You’ve seen that…

How About A Change of Pace?

There have been a great deal of articles recently with information and developments which I want to share with you.  My practice has been not to deluge you with emails from me and limit my posts to 2 or 3 a week.  I’ve decided to alter that practice for the time being and write to you more often, if I can find the time.…

CO2 Emissions Hiccup

I’m sure you are aware that over half of US coal fired power plants have been closed since 2002 when the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign began.  (281 retired and 249 to go) And almost no new ones have been permitted for construction.  This has not only reduced significant amounts of CO2 but also small particulate matter and other emissions…

Another One Hits the Dust – Actually 2

In following up on my last post about how insurance companies are retreating from providing coverage for the coal industry, here is information published by Sierra Club reaffirming that the retirement of coal plants is continuing unabated by anything that is happening in Washington right now.  The information presented below speaks for itself but here are some of the highlights.  …

It’s Never Over Until it’s Over

  As I have written about on many occasions, the world is increasingly moving on from fossil fuels to renewable and distributed energy.  One of the reasons is that renewable energy now is cost competitive or cheaper that fossil fuels.  This is especially true if the fossil fuel energy is from a new plant.  Secondly, more and more it is being…

Can a Warmer Planet Cause Wars?

Over the years I have written about how climate change is a threat to world peace.  In fact, the Pentagon has been saying this in its security threat reports since the ’90′s.  They actually call it the highest threat to peace.  The reason is what climate change is doing to natural resources. For instance, what would you do if your…

Renewable Energy Cost Now Challenging Even Natural Gas

When Sierra Club began the effort to challenge the final permitting of a proposed coal fired power plant being built by Indeck in Elwood, Illinois southwest of Chicago near Joliet, we never could have imagined where we’d be some 16 years later.  After 8 years Indeck threw in the towel and gave up.  Now, burning coal to boil water to produce electricity is a…

Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks

There are untold numbers of articles reiterating the fact that regardless of what the Trump Administration does about reducing the current CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards it would be insane for the auto manufacturers NOT to continue pushing forward on maximum fuel economy for their ICE’s (Internal Combustion Engines) and rollout of electric vehicles.  The article below is one…

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting May 18 -19, 2018

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting Oakland, CA May 18 – 19, 2018 Our recent May face to face meeting I found to be rather routine.  I do not mean in any way to diminish its importance whatsoever.  I only mean that I didn’t find that there was anything that occurred that would qualify as something that would change the…

Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

I’d love to be wrong on my prognostications about the consequences of a warming climate as that would mean that the future is not so bleak as I’ve often made it out to be. And I guess it’s a bit braggadocios to be an “I told you so”. But, as has been the case over and over, the early warnings…

Sierra Club Board Meeting February 22 – 24, 2018 Denver, Colorado

Sorry that this summary is so late getting to you.  There were some extenuating circumstances that caused the delay.  But here it is! Usually I try to summarize the theme of the meeting and reflect on how it all went.  But I am thinking of something different this time.  So, I’ll be very brief about this past in person Board…

Sierra Club Board Meeting, Oakland, CA. November 16 – 18, 2017

It’s hard to find things to be positive and excited about these days.  The assault on so many of the values to which we hold dear from what feels like every direction can feel overwhelming.  Listening to the daily barrage of news is almost overwhelming.  Two items occurred this past week that are especially distressing to me. One is the…

We Don’t Need Protection from Corporate Malfeasance?

Remember in the old movie, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, when Humphrey Bogart is pinned down by the bandits and they say they are the Federales?  Bogart asks to see their badges.  The head bandit says, “Badges?  We don’t need no badges?” Well, under the Trump Administration that’s where we’re headed…nobody with badges.  Let’s gut the EPA both locally and…

Solar Costs to Fall Further, Powering Global Demand

In case you need a reminder of how fast things are changing in the energy markets here’s another article projecting the future success of solar energy.  I hope you’ve noticed a continuing theme that prices continue to fall faster than predicted and adaptation progresses at a growing pace beyond what anyone is willing to stick their neck out and project.  …

Can There Be Such A Thing As Good News About Coal?

I’ve run into several of you recently and heard the comment that I haven’t written an article in some time.  Actually, it’s been almost two months.  It’s not for a lack of material.  Just been busy.  So, I’m back now for a while before an extended vacation over the holidays.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.  I…

Sierra Club National Board Meeting September 13- 15, 2017 Washington, DC

As I reflect on each meeting of your National Board of Directors I try to see if there is a theme that threads its way through the agenda.  I find that in this recently concluded meeting one emerged for me.  Primarily, I call it, “the inside game”.  There was a clear consensus that for us to be able to maximize…

100 Days of Destruction

  As you can see from the photo above, I marched in the Peoples Climate March yesterday in Chicago with 5000 others.  It was wet and cold but who cares when the fate of science and our planet are at stake.   I know that most of those that read my blog agree with me that Climate Change is real…

What Does it Mean to RESIST?

The first 100 days of the new Administration are not even over and yet we have already seen success in efforts to RESIST efforts and actions taken by Trump.  The travel ban hasn’t happened and the ACA is still the law of the land.  While a new Supreme Court Justice is on the court, it took a nuclear option to do…

Environmental Red Line – What Does That Mean to Wild Lands?

Surveys continually show that the American population is becoming increasingly convinced of and concerned about the changing climate and global warming.  The principal cause being the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere along with methane.  The two primary sources comprising about 80% of these emissions are from the production of electricity from coal and natural gas and burning oil in the…

What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

Since the election on November 8, I have been asked countless times “what is the Sierra Club going to do to protect our environment?”  And this: “What can I do to prevent our natural resources and climate to be devastated by actions of the Trump Administration?”  The simple answer is to RESIST.  We simply cannot allow this new reality become acceptable.…

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 2017 Notes

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 24 – 25, 2017 Atlanta, GA Overview: This was a significant meeting.  My perspective is that there were two principle topics that required special attention beyond the normal and routine work of guiding and managing the Club’s affairs.  While both items are closely  tied together and related, I consider them to be separate.…

Like I Said…

We had dinner with some old friends last night.  The conversation inevitably turned to politics (ugh).  I brought up my recent blog about CRA and the overturning of the Stream Protection Rule.  I tried to explain why anyone (read Republicans and a couple of Democrats) would want to permit (encourage?) blowing the tops off of mountains and then dump the…

What the Hell is CRA and Why Should You Care????

If you have no idea what CRA is don’t feel bad.  Until very recently I’d never heard of it either.  Since the election I’ve been hearing many of my Sierra Club associates talking about how the Republicans are going to use the CRA to reverse much of what the Obama Administration put in place.   CRA stands for Congressional Review Act.  It is described…

Ain't No Stopping Us Now

Maybe I should have entitled this piece after the Talking Heads song “Once in a Lifetime” with the famous lyrics of “You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?” (  But we’re not going to ruminate on the insanity of what’s already happened but look forward to our mutual future.  So instead, click on this url, and listen…

A Tale of Two Meetings

The end of the summer and fall were extremely busy for me.  Thus, I failed to publish a report of the September Annual Sierra Club meeting. Therefore, I am going to do a twofer now and provide an overview of both the September and November meetings. This is not the report that I had anticipated prior to November 8th.  We…

Sierra Club Board Meeting Report: May 14, 2016

  First Meeting of the Sierra Club Board of Directors at the New Oakland Headquarters May 14, 2016 Every May the Sierra Club Board of Directors says good bye to Directors who’s terms have expired and welcome new Directors who have been elected or reelected.  We also choose our Officers (Executive Committee) and other leadership positions.  In addition, we hold…

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 27, 2016 in Los Angeles

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting February 27, 2016 in Los Angeles Introduction. The just concluded meeting featured some interesting and historic moments punctuated with various noteworthy events.  We started with an inspiring gathering together with the Sierra Club Foundation at which we were greeted to LA by none other than the mayor of LA, Eric Garcetti.  It is amazing…

The Dominos Continue To Fall

There are now nine states (18%) with either with no coal fired power plants left in state (or never had any plants) – RI, VT, ME, ID, CA – or phasing out: OR, WA, MA  and now NY.  With the NY State announcement below we are over 50% of the way home in seeing all the coal fired power plants in the…

Chuck Frank 2016 Candidate for Sierra Club National Board of Directors: Endorsements, On Line Questionnaire and Expanded Statement

2016 Candidate On Line Forum Questionnaire 1.  The mission of the Sierra Club is “to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out…

Paris Climate Conference Primer

Starting next week, the Paris Climate Negotiations will occur.  World leaders and their representatives will come together once again to attempt to craft an agreement or treaty that will begin to curve the trajectory of climate warming gases back to a level that will save the planet from devastating consequences.   The following article is a good summary of what will be happening…

Pitch Perfect

In case you somehow missed it, President Obama on Friday denied the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline ending 7 years of uncertainty.  Below are links to two videos.  First is his 9 minute statement and the second is a shorter video from the Sierra Club thanking him. I have discussed this controversy with many of you over the years…

Sierra Club September 2015 Board Meeting Notes

Sierra Club Board Meeting Notes September 10 – 12, 2015 San Francisco It has been a very busy several months for both the Sierra Club and me personally. This spring and fall I spent a large amount of time with my family mostly traveling and enjoying the summer outdoors. The Georgia coast, Martha’s Vineyard, fishing in the Ontario wilderness, backpacking…

Many Items Coming Together At This Moment

Over the summer I’ve taken some time off from writing while paddling, fishing and backpacking.  During this time a great deal has occurred that present an interesting picture of multiple trends that are interacting.  This is causing increased alarm and hope at the same time.  Below is a listing of some recent developments and news.  Much of this you may have…

You're Probably a Lot Closer to Disaster Than You Think

Most of us, especially those of us in our comfortable homes in Chicago’s Quiet North Shore Suburbs, feel quite safe and secure.  We can’t imagine an enormous explosion that could destroy our homes, lives and communities like what happened in the small Quebec town of Lac-Mégantic as described below in Mike Brune’s Blog.  Think again.   Many receiving this may remember…

Disappointing Supreme Court Decision Today re: EPA Mercury Rule

Elections matter.  It amazes and disappoints me that the Supreme Court could find that the EPA failed to take into consideration the costs that industry, principally the coal industry, would endure in order to cause: “the lifelong neurological damage brought on by exposure to toxic mercury, and prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths, 4,700 heart attacks and 130,000 asthma attacks…

The Clean Power Plan IS Environmental Justice

Great blog today from Sierra Club President Aaron Mair.  It has irritated the hell out of me for decades  that the coal industry has insisted that if they are forced to clean up their emissions our lives will suffer.  They claim it will cost everyone more money and jobs will vanish.  And, of course, they deny that climate change is…

Beyond Coal: Great News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Contacts: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Meghan Womack,, 212-205-0176 Sierra Club, Maggie Kao,, 202-675-2384 Bloomberg Philanthropies Boosts Investment in Sierra Club to Retire U.S. Coal Fleet & Transition the Nation Towards Clean Energy Sources Efforts aim to improve public health, slash carbon emissions and allow U.S. to take action as leader in fighting climate… Is Here

Coming Clean: The blog of Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune April 3, 2015 AddUp: Technology + Activism “Technology is nothing.” So said the man behind some of the most successful and influential technologies of the past three decades. But then Apple founder Steve Jobs elaborated: “What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good…

Sierra Club February Board Meeting Notes

Sierra Club Board of Directors Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico February 26 – 28, 2015 Chuck Frank making a point at the working session.  Board Secretary Lane Boldman and Sierra Club Chief of Staff Jesse Simons in background.  Photo by Dean Wallraff Introduction: It is an exciting time to be on the Sierra Club Board of Directors. We are working…

Green Power Storage Coming on Strong

A big concern about solar and wind power’s ability to take over electricity production is the intermittent nature of the source.  To ensure that there is  power when and where we need it it is necessary to be able to have adequate storage of this type of power.  The following article is very informative about the current status of our…

Fracking 101: Why the Sierra Club Opposes Fracking, Period

At our last Sierra Club Board Meeting in November we voted unequivocally to oppose hydraulic fracturing commonly known as fracking.  I enthusiastically support this position and policy. My personal opinion is that we are not going to realistically be able to stop all fracking in the U.S. tomorrow.  But the sooner the better.  Before we destroy our water tables, poison…

My Article in the Sierra Club's California/Nevada Wilderness Committee Newsletter Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

I am extremely honored that an article that I wrote appeared in the Words of the Wild Newsletter of the Sierra Club’s California/Nevada Wilderness Committee on page 10. If you care to read it, click here and you’ll go to the full newsletter and check out page 10.  There are also many other wonderful pieces here including one by Bruce…

Sierra Club October and November Board Meetings Notes

Due to the People’s Climate March in NYC in September, the Sierra Club Board of Director’s meeting for that weekend was postponed to October.  And since it was scheduled to be our Annual Meeting, that aspect of the meeting was rescheduled for our November meeting.   This post will cover both meetings.  Sorry for including so much in one post…

Impact of US China Climate Agreement

I have been debating in my mind as to whether to write about the new US-China climate deal that President Obama announced last week.  After all, it’s been all over the main stream media and you’ve probably read enough about it such that you don’t need another article about it from me.  But then I read the following piece that…

Inevitable: The Changing Attitude

I love the following article because it really portrays how the efforts to combat climate change (warming, disruption or whatever other name you prefer) are taking hold.  While I believe in the science and evidence that I have seen that indicates that adding CO2, methane and other elements to our atmosphere is heating up the planet and only beginning to cause…

Climate March in New York City Sunday September 21, 2014

The Tide is Finally Changing? There is so much exciting news occurring right now that I look forward to sharing with you.  Over the next couple of weeks I will be sending out this information that I hope will convince you that things are finally beginning to change the tide for meaningful and immediate action to prevent the worst consequences…

Announced Coal Retirements for August 2014: Best Month Ever!!

There’s not much that I can add to this incredible announcement.  As I have been reporting, burning coal for power in the USA is on its way to extinction.  We’re well over a third of the way there just as renewables and conservation are filling the gap. I’m so proud to be associated with this program from its inception and…

The Changing World of Personal Transportation

It’s been a while since I posted anything regarding the transportation industry. There’s a lot to catch up upon from over the summer and I’ll try not to inundate you too quickly but there’s a great deal of information to share with you in this dynamic arena.  But let me start with the following article that was on page 3…

Sierra Club Board Meeting Overview: May 16-17, 2014

The Board and Associates Sierra Club Board Meeting: May 17, 2014 San Francisco At this meeting we tackled quite a few items of a consequential nature that will have an enormous impact on the structure of our Club and our ability and capability to function effectively and efficiently and have an impact on the future of our planet on which…

Sierra Club launches ads against Duke Energy

Here’s some Sierra Club news that might be of interest to you this morning. Sierra Club launches ads against Duke Energy Manuel Quiñones, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 The Sierra Club will begin airing two television ads today criticizing Duke Energy Corp. for its response to a large spill in February at the utility’s coal ash pond on…

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