Climate Science


During the Covid shutdown in 2020 I was stuck home and writing almost every week. Now, not so often. We’ve been traveling a great deal. Now that I’m technically retired (I still spend a pretty fair amount of time on the Mathnasium businesses in which I am and investor with Jana and another partner) Debbie and I are traveling both…

All We Can Do Is Keep on Keeping On

I’m headed out of the country this coming week with Debbie and eventually meeting up with the kids for an extended trip so I won’t be writing again for a while. Before we depart, I am sending this one last message to you for the year. So much of what is going on now is causing a great deal of…

What Now?

It’s hard to know where to start given the outcome of the election. That said, I think I’m just going to stay on message and report environmental news and my perspectives in this regard. While not unusual or surprising, climate change and the environment did not rise up to the top of issues that drove the decision of who to…

I Just Don’t Get It. (Read down pretty far to see what I mean)

I was in Greece kayaking along the south shore of Crete and then visiting Santorini, Paros and Athens with Zack and Debbie when the back to back hurricanes Helene and Milton hit Florida and the SE US. We had a magical and fabulous time in warm, sometimes hot, but perfect weather. Meanwhile, so many people were suffering and some were…


For decades, I have been predicting the types of weather type repercussions that were going to happen that we are now seeing such as drought, fires, floods, hurricanes, excessive rain events, etc. These are happening so frequently every day that it is mind numbing. I’ve also tried to alert you to how all this is going to effect us in…

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

“A republic, if you can keep it.” –Benjamin Franklin’s response to Elizabeth Willing Powel’s question: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Being that this is Memorial Day weekend, I want to take a moment to reflect on this and recognize how fortunate we are that for almost 250 years Americans, and immigrants that were not…

Mixed Bag

The only theme for today is that there is no central theme. I am going to present to you a wide variety of news that reports on what’s happening. They cover some of the various topics upon which I try to keep you informed. Included in these are: disconcerting changes to the planet, impacts of climate change on our human…

Expense or Investment?

I am going to start today with the economics of climate change. Over the years you may have read articles deriding the cost of doing what scientists claim it will take to transition from a fossil fuel economy to one based on one free of climate change causing emissions. My response has always been that what is claimed to be…

When It Rains, It Pours

I’ve been astonished the last couple of weeks at the number of disastrous weather events occurring around the world pretty much at the same time. And the consequences are horrific. While it may be beautiful and sunny outside your window this morning, it’s not that way in many other places around the globe. And sooner or later we will all…

Tesla Accelerates EV Growth

Today’s focus will mostly be about EV’s and Insurance. If you’ve been following the mass media news about auto and light duty truck sales you’ve been hearing about the slowdown in EV sales. And yes, some of the auto manufacturers have moderated their production of them and their outlook. What is happening is that the PACE of growth of EVs…

What Do Oil and Tabacco Have in Common? Lying.

In case you haven’t heard, the climate is changing. It’s getting warmer. It is obvious in my own yard. Flowers are blooming four to six weeks early. Buds on the trees are coming out. Bushes are blooming yellow. This winter there was only one kinda snowfall where we got maybe 2 or 3 inches. And other than one week of…

Faster and Faster

This week I am going to start with an article that reenforces the crisis that climate change is foisting on real estate. More and more states are requiring flood disclosures. This is obviously depressing values and making it harder to sell one’s home. Some time ago I presented you with an article about how home sellers in Florida who were…

Off The Charts Crazy – You Don’t Want to Go There

Granted, it is unusual for me to send you a publication midweek. Or, to include the full article. But this article came out last week and should scare the bejeezus out of everyone. I doubt anyone reading my newsletter still questions how we humans are warming the atmosphere with our CO2 and methane emissions. But this article shows how bad…

Climate Cocktail: A Little of This a Little of That

I am going to start today where I left off last edition, with more on how climate change is impacting the insurance business. And then I will cover a variety of other subjects. The second article is about a topic I’ve written about very little and that is how climate change is effecting mental health. Unfortunately, this may be about…

Train Wreck

Our worldwide society is lurching forward like a drunken sailor. We are on a collision course with the climate. We’re creating a train wreck in slow motion. And while it may be slow motion now, this freight train is speeding up and gaining momentum. Pretty soon, a lot sooner than later, there will be nothing we can do to slow…

Extreme is the New Normal

In case last week’s edition of Frankly Talking didn’t make you alerted to the weather and climate changes maybe a few headlines and articles will make you take notice this week. Why a Sudden Surge of Broken Heat Records is Scaring Scientists Scientists say to brace for more extreme weather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures By Scott Dance…

I’m Back and It’s a Milestone Moment

Thanks to all of you who noticed that you had not heard from me for about a year and checked in to see if something was wrong. Nope. Just needed a break. There was a combination of burn out (pandemic related) and life getting too busy for a while. But here I am again to keep you informed on so…

What Do Blueberries and Honey Have In Common?

Maybe you noticed that you haven’t heard from me for a while.  As I had mentioned, we went on a vacation and had a great time.  And I took a vacation from writing this blog as well.  Now I’m back and will try to get into the groove again of putting these together but it is summer…so probably won’t be…

It’s Frightening

Happy Mother’s Day to you all.  I hope you get a chance to celebrate the Moms in your life.   Somewhere between 75,000 and 100,000 years ago our human ancestors began to develop into the species we have now become.  (I recently read James Michener’s 1965 book The Source which begins human history within this timeframe.) But it was only about 10,000 years…

How Much Do You Really Know About What’s Going On with the Climate?

There are two primary articles I want to highlight today pertaining to a couple of topics I have covered regularly over the years. After that, I will throw at you a several headlines about the auto industry and the environmental impact of climate change. Let’s start with economics.  I have been writing about for a couple of decades now that there is not…


I’ve titled this message “Inevitable” to make clear to anyone who may still doubt that the future of automotive transportation, actually ALL transportation, will be powered by electrons, not fossils.  The pace of transformation continues to accelerate exponentially.  The issues of range, charging times and cost are rapidly being conquered and after a few initial articles on other topics I will…

Going Faster in Both Directions

Going Faster in Both Directions   Going Faster in Both Directions Once again it’s been a few weeks since I sent you my report on what’s going on.  Busy with grandsons and traveling. But the news and the message is pretty much the same.   The climate gets hotter.  The weather gets worse.  Both, faster and faster and more quickly…

And The Beat Goes On

Sonny and Cher: The beat goes on (HQ Version) – YouTube Enjoy some music as you read today. For newer readers, some of what I am going to cover today may be new to you.  But for those of you who have been getting this newsletter for longer, I am simply going to provide you with the current status on…

What do Lamborghini, Amazon, GM, Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi, National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Have in Common? Big News of the Week.

To start off today I want to share with you some information that may be of great interest to you or someone you know.  Many of you know that my wife Debbie has asthma.  For some time now we have been receiving from Sierra Club text messages when the air quality is dangerous for her so she can act accordingly…stay inside and…

What’s Up in News This Past Week?

You probably didn’t notice that I didn’t send a post last week.  We had the grandsons here and that consumed all our attention! In looking over the recent news I didn’t see any single item that I want to highlight this week so I thought I’d update you on a plethora of ones that I regularly bring to your attention.  So…

What Do You Think 2022 Will Bring Us?

Happy New Year!  As we start 2022 I think back a few weeks to my last article of 2021 and reflect on how we started last year and where we ended up.  I am reminded that every year progress towards a new future happens more rapidly and dramatically than is expected by common perception. Remember this time next year that I am…


I am going to take some time off with my family so this will be my last post in 2021.  I’ll list some recent news at the end, as usual, but I want to reflect and share some thoughts about this past year in order that we grasp how much and how quickly our circumstances have changed, are changing and…

How About Some Variety Today?

I am not going to dwell on any one particular issue today but rather thought that I would simply present you with some news on events that are happening that inform and update you on how and what things are changing relative to some of my usual subjects. I want to start though with giving you a link to a…

Planes, Trains and Automobiles… A Favorite Thanksgiving Movie

I hope that you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and for all my Jewish readers, a very happy Chanukah starting at sundown tonight.  We are having our Chanukah party tonight! Reflecting on what I am most thankful for it is the same this year as always: my family and health of all of us.  I and my family have all been…

Forget Glasgow

The title says, Forget Glasgow.  I don’t really mean that.  Glasgow is important.  And I know that some, or even many, will think I’m off my rocker for saying this, but it’s not the most critical factor on how quickly and how far we implement changes to our society that will mitigate climate change to allow our civilization to function with some semblance of…

Whales and $14 Trillion

Every week there is so much news that is published about so many of the topics relating to climate change upon which I attempt to keep you abreast.  This week is no different.  The primary one upon which I will dwell today is very revealing as to why it is so important to keep warming below 1.5 degrees celsius and how the…

Where Are We Exactly???

Every week brings a wide array of articles that relate to and provide updated information and developments regarding many of the topics about which I report to you.  Sometimes I will feature one subject in more detail while also now providing you with headlines and a brief quote from the featured article and others so you get the salient point(s)…

Can It All Be True?

Those of you who have been getting and receiving my postings know that I make a lot of predictions based on data but using my premonitions and judgement to forecast what is coming often long before the “experts” will.  And when what I have projected comes to pass, I love to say “I told you so!”.  Sure, I have an…


Besides my showing you the science of climate change and the actual real world physical consequences of it (i.e. more and stronger hurricanes, more intense storms, melting glaciers, changes in the jet and gulf streams, tropical diseases moving north, flooding, mud slides, drought, fires, etc.) I have tried to alert you to the impact that a warmer climate is having…

Yin and Yang

Last week I presented you with a smorgasbord of environmental news.  This week I’m going to display a variety of good and bad news that has been published in the last number of days.  I’ll start with the good news that should give us some level of optimism that we have the ability to do something effective to alter our society in order to…

So Much So Fast

Today’s messaging is going to be a smorgasbord.  I am going to display for you a variety of items pertaining to several of the topics I cover.  Transportation, insurance, real estate (primarily housing), water shortages and biodiversity.   Since the last few blogs have been about the auto industry let me start there.  If there is still any doubt in your mind as…

40% by ’30? Doubtful. It will be 90 to 100%

Most of you know that my career was mostly in the automobile business basically my whole life but full time from 1976 to 2009.  That is why I have a keen interest and insight into the industry.  That shows up in this blog as I continue to read the Automotive News weekly and follow the business in other ways as…

Why Are Over 200 Medical Journals Frightened?

It’s been a few weeks since you’ve heard from me as I was on vacation.  My son Zack (35) and I went on a wilderness kayaking trip on the Allagash River in very northern Maine with a group from Sierra Club.  We had a great time.  It was so very nice to get removed from civilization for 8 days and just relax.…

Don’t Give Up!

Today’s post will be mostly about current news/headlines to keep you current on some of the themes upon which I report.  Of course, a great deal is happening. First, though, I want to share a rather upbeat article so that I contest my reputation for being Mr. Doom and Gloom.  The message is from one of the authors of the…

Why Are Climate Scientists Wrong?

It’s been a few weeks since my last post as I took some time off to enjoy the summer as it quickly slips away from us all.  Unfortunately, the deteriorating climate doesn’t take a vacation.  You’ve undoubtedly heard about the UN report that documents how dire and irreversible the climate circumstances are.  (See the long article posted at the end of my portion.)…

Have You Ever Thought About How the Jet Stream is Impacting Your Electric Bill?

I was listening to the radio yesterday and the “disk jockey” asked the listeners what covid habit you got into you were going to get ride of/change now that restrictions are being lifted a bit.  I realized that one that I have fallen into is writing this article pretty much every Sunday.  You may have noticed, but probably not, that I missed…

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

It is hard to comprehend that we are around half way through summer.  It sure doesn’t seem like it to me.  It’s going by so quickly and for some reason I feel like I’m missing out.  Maybe because of the weather?  Too hot, too dry, too wet, too cool, too windy (meaning being unsuitable to kayak on Lake Michigan).  But…

Still Planning to Buy Another ICE?

As usual, it’s been a busy week for environmental news.  This week I am going to stay focused on what’s going on in the automotive realm and on the transition to an EV future.  Before I do, though, I want to start with some good news.  Having been rightfully accused of being the bearer of doom and gloom in many…

How Do You Get to 100%? Start at 2.3%

Happy 4th of July!  Boy, where is this year going?  I hope you have a great holiday weekend and enjoy a new sense of independence as the pandemic restrictions lift as more and more people get vaccinated.  I know though that some of you receiving this are not yet vaccinated so please go do it now.  You don’t want to…

Are We There Yet?

It is a shame, but not surprising, that things have to be this bad to wake up people to the fact that “we ARE there” already. In case you have any doubts, the following headlines from this week should provide a sobering jolt to your consciousness.   We all know people who either don’t get that there is a problem or don’t comprehend…

The Miracle of Life on Earth Hinges on a Delicate Balance

Happy Father’s Day and first day of summer!   Today’s article is about science and a new way of measuring what we humans are doing to our atmosphere and subsequently the climate.  Here’s a fundamental premise of the piece that follows.   “The miracle of life on Earth hinges on a delicate balance. The sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere, warming the planet. At the…

Remember Exponents from School?

Recently, I’ve mostly been writing about what is going to happen to our society as a result of a warmer climate.  Real estate, insurance, finance, fossil fuel industry, carbon taxes, transportation (especially cars and trucks), etc. I decided today to remind everyone why these consequences are all going to happen.  Paraphrasing what someone once said, It’s the Climate Stupid.  As CO2…

What’s the Difference Between Cobalt and Magnesium?

I start today by reiterating my long standing prediction that by 2030 all new cars (and increasingly it looks like light duty trucks and maybe even some heavy duty ones too) sold in the U.S. will be fully electric or drive 95% of the time on electricity.  Back in 2014 when I first made a bet on this it was pretty…

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Boy oh boy.  A guy can’t go on vacation for a couple of weeks without the world turning up side down.  Yeah, after a year and a half barely leaving my house and now that the whole family is fully vaccinated, we took a nice break on the beach for a couple of weeks.  It sure felt good!  Fishing, tennis,…


I am trying something a little different today.  I want to see if this is an improvement from what I have done in the past. Let me know what you think after you’ve had a chance to check it out.  Email me back with a thumbs up or down, yes or no, or some such indicator.  I am going to go…

They Are Alway (Well, Mostly) Wrong

Back to my usual format this week.  I am going to focus on a single topic and a single article.  This time energy; solar to be specific.     I will admit that my ego is soothed when what I have been telling you for well over a decade comes to pass.  And so I will simply let the following…

We’re Here: Don’t Blink…Or You’ll Miss It

After a couple of weeks of posting current headlines about what is happening around the country and globe relating to climate change, I was thinking that this week I’d tackle just one topic, one article, and get into it in more depth.  But as I reviewed the articles that I had read and saved for this publication I was once…


MANY years ago when my kids were little (the youngest is 31 now) we had a Beetlejuice doll.  It was about 18 inches tall and when you pulled a string it would say “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice” and its head would spin around.  It would freak out our dog and at one point he tore the thing apart leaving only the head and…

Been Watching the Headlines Recently?

You probably didn’t notice that I didn’t write an article last week.  I just needed a break.  But in the last two weeks, the news has not stopped.  So this week, I am simply going to recap some headlines of what has occurred recently.  These headlines, and maybe one brief passage from the article, cover a broad swath of the…

Tsunami Tipping Point?

Almost a year ago, May 2020, I wrote the following article. How Many Fingers Do You Have? The point I was making, and have been predicting all along for many years if you’ve been paying attention, is that our transition from a world reliant on fossil fuels to one that has essentially eliminated the emission of CO2, methane and…

Overwhelming and Terrifying

This past week I gave a presentation to a group on climate change.  This was a group that was not fundamentally focussed on this issue but seemed to have a general interest and awareness of it.  The theme I decided to follow was to give an overview of all the ways that a changing, warming climate was already altering so…

2 Cents and Disconnect

I received some great feedback on the post I sent out last week about the possibility of a fee on carbon.  The following is a great summary of what I heard. Just flagging that a carbon tax unless set extraordinarily high – likely drives little progress outside of the power sector, e.g. in bldgs, transport and industry. And with coal only 20%…

Have You Ever Boiled a Live Frog?

You all know the story about the frog and the boiling pot of water.  If you threw a frog into a pot of hot water it would immediately jump out.  But if it were in a pot of water that was at a temperature that it found normal and gradually turned up the heat it would slowly boil to death.…

Do You Know What The Social Cost of Carbon Is and Does it Matter?

Above: Michael Greenstone of the University of Chicago testifies before Congress on the Social Cost of Carbon In the past I have alerted you to how seemingly little insignificant things can actually have enormous impact.  I’ve written several times about NSR, New Source Review, which has a huge impact on many things but especially on whether a coal fired power…


Today is Valentine’s Day.  It’s a time to think about and appreciate all those in your life that you love.  Those that know me know that my wife and family are the core of my life.  Thus, today’s message is about the future…their future.  I have been, and still am, terrified about the planet that my kids and their kids…

When Will We Get It?

I know that I am constantly pointing out how right I have been for years and years when it comes to predicting what would (and has) happened concerning the subjects which I cover.  AND, that it would be worse than the conventional media was reporting.  My kids tell me that I overdo that aspect of my messages.  OK, I get it.  But…

Ice Ice Baby

I am starting today on a personal note.  I have been shamelessly promoting the virtual outing presentation that I made last Thursday.  It was very well attended in fact setting a new record for our group’s presentations.  It went very well from my perspective and I have received very favorable feedback.  In case you missed it and may be interested to see…

Insidious and Pervasive

We are not just headed for but are in the middle of a triple storm: Insurrection, COVID and Climate.  All three for the same reason.  Denial.  Denial of fact and truth.  Unfortunately, this is pervasive and insidious.   How this came to be and what is the solution I do not pretend to know.  I do know that resolution, if…


It is impossible for me to write a post today without saying anything about the insurrection/coup attempt at the Capital Building on Wednesday.  Debbie and I have been talking and worrying for a very long time about if there would be violence in the streets if Trump lost the election.  While we did not foresee the assault on our nation’s Capital Building, with ALL…

Prove Me Wrong Revisited

I hope you had a wonderful holiday however you may celebrate.  And let’s hope that we survive until noon on January 20th and that after that 2021 is a better year than this one.   As we end 2020 I am astounded and delighted by the change that has occurred since the 2018 midterm election. The change in the public’s…

The Walrus

The time has come,’ the Walrus said,       To talk of many things: Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —       Of cabbages — and kings — And why the sea is boiling hot —       And whether pigs have wings.’ This week is a continuation of last weeks post about the end of the fossil fuel industry.  This week is specifically focused on…

The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost

“This rather old saying, ‘chickens have come home to roost’, is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone has done in the past have come back to bite or haunt the individual. In other words, you are telling someone that he has to face the consequences of the deeds done in the past — though he may…

When Will It End??

I listened to a webinar this week about the future of the energy industry.  It reminded me of a panel discussion I attended at the University of Chicago’s Annual Economic Outlook luncheon in 2012 when a Toyota executive was predicting that the majority of vehicles in 2050 would still be burning gas even if many of them might be hybrids.  My view then was that…


The Federal Reserve is finally proclaiming the obvious and what I’ve been warning you of for years.     “The Fed said storms, floods, droughts and wildfires are among the “acute hazards” that could upend stable economic conditions.”   While this article is primarily about the threat of climate change to commercial and residential real estate and their underlying assets (mortgages and mortgage backed securities)…

What is Blowing Away the Past?

Last week I wrote about electric vehicles and why some people are more inclined than others to be interested in buying one.  This week I am going to stay on the electricity theme and show how the way EV’s are charged is changing. The message is that the cost of wind and solar have dropped so fast and so far that it now…

Why are Electric Vehicles Like Face Masks?

Let’s talk cars.  There’s a bunch of news recently on several fronts.  Two states are passing legislation requiring all sales of new cars to be electric by 2035.  (That’s only five years after I bet on 2030 quite a few years ago.  The world is finally catching up to me!)   ELECTRIC VEHICLES: N.J. calls for 100% EVs by 2035,…

Real Estate Values in Peril

In the last week or two, there has been a great deal of news about the science and impact of climate change.  There are many new studies and research that has occurred and articles reporting the results. Many of these are about the topics I have been writing you about for a long time.  Today I will focus on real…

How Close it the Prescipice?

You know that I’ve been warning for a very long time that investments in fossil fuel assets are going to lose their value and do so much sooner and faster than “conventional” wisdom.  Of course, there were some that didn’t even agree that fossil fuel investments were even risky.   I posited that major oil companies’ investments in enormous development projects…

Obscure Order 2222 Opening the Way to a Clean Energy Future!!

Today’s message is that small, sometimes nearly invisible things matter in a BIG way.  Previously I’ve alerted you to NSR (New Source Review: and how what might be an obscure adjustment to a regulation can have an enormous impact on your personal health and that of the planet. In addition, I wrote about the CRA (Congressional Review Act: and how its…

Apologies Are Not Going to Cut It

Last week I wrote about the multitude of articles showing how our country is waking up to the climate crisis and beginning to react.  None too soon because the consequences are becoming not only worse but converging.  Or, as the following article describes, cascading.   The article from the NYT is a bit long and honestly, scary and depressing as…

All At Once

Over the decades that I have been writing these articles I have reported on a number  of themes most of which relate to climate change.  Of course, when writing about different themes referring to the same topic they logically compliment each other.  I thought that today, rather than featuring one topic, I’d highlight several that are all intertwined.  Thus, I am…

Fire and Water

I started going to the mountains as a little kid back in the 50’s when my family would spend summer vacations at Sun Valley, Idaho.  I started camping and canoeing when I was 9 and backpacking when I was 19.  I’ve never stopped.   1971 – My First Backpacking Trip: Shenandoah National Park along the Appalachian Trail Recently in Idaho It used to be…

Hotter Than the Center of the Sun

Last December I wrote about creating electricity from nuclear fusion.  I’m not going to describe what that is again but suggest you click on this link to review what I wrote back then if you want a refresher.   Fission or Fusion: What is the Difference? My purpose today is to keep you informed and updated on the fact that…

Update: Several Themes All Going As Predicted

After sending my last message to you incapsulating some of my themes and perspectives I thought that today I would send you the highlights of some recent articles that summarize and reiterate several topics about which I’ve been writing.   I’ll leave it up to you to look up the articles if you want more details.   Phoenix Hits 114 F for…

It Really IS Possible

I recently received some feedback that there’s enough bad news from the media everyday and that it would be nice if I were more positive in my messaging.  Yes, there is some negativity in my writing. But mostly, I think I have been encouraging optimism.  In considering this I hope that my themes are coming through: 1.  Negative: The Climate…

Bees: On the Other Hand…

Last week I wrote to you about the decline in the rate of loss of bumblebees last year.  Still a loss and a big one but just not as steep as it has been.  Here’s the back story of how badly the bumblebee population is doing.  It’s a very disturbing phenomenon.     “A federal review of existing data unveils an…

Honey Bee Good News

  I imagine that many, if not most or all, of you know that the populations of pollinators have plummeted dramatically over the last couple of decades all over the world.  Bees and monarch butterflies are the canaries in the coal mine so to speak.    The dramatic decimation of their populations dramatize how what may appear to be minor changes in climate…

Remember NSR? Here’s How It Is Making Your Life Better

  Back in June 2018 I sent out this piece:  Altering NSR Can Kill You.  Concerned??   ( Well, NSR (New Source Review) is back in the news.  I’m really delighted to send you this article today.  You probably know that I am a life member of Sierra Club having joined the Club in 1976.  I have been actively engaged…

Still Think That Fossil Fuel Assets are a Good Investment?

I hope you listened to my warnings over the past few years and divested yourself from any asset in any way tied to fossil fuels not just for moral reasons but for your own financial security.   A great deal of the asset values supporting the prices of a fossil fuel extraction company’s financial instruments is the capitalized cost of the proven…

Better Check Your Tap Water

I am going to write about some topics other than climate change and other directly related issues for a while and spotlight different environmental issues of grave concern.  You can read in the mainstream media about the temperature in Siberia above the Arctic Circle being over 100 degrees and at the bottom of the Grand Canyon over 115 degrees and melting peoples’ boots. Today I…

How Many Fingers Do You Have?

I have been writing for a long time about following the money as it relates to climate change.  More recently I’ve been revealing how more and more finance entities have been committing to begin redirecting their capital away from fossil fuel projects and into renewable energy assets.  This started with a trickle and becoming a torrent.  When this started it was tentative and…

Let’s Get Something Straight

Science matters.  While there aren’t many climate change skeptics any more, unless you belong to the Republican Party, it is  worthwhile to see graphically what is happening to our planet’s atmosphere so we can be confident of the rationale for demanding aggressive action to avoid the worst consequences that a quickly warming climate will cause.  So short and to the point today.  A quick…

Is It Any Wonder?

As I have been writing about for years and in many of my most recent articles, follow the money.  Fossil fuels are being abandon like a hot potato.  As predicted, costs of renewables have dropped more than dramatically.  In 10 years solar has gone from $300 a megawatt hour to $38 in China today.  And wind in the last 10 years…

Greenland and the Wicked Witch of the North

Before I get to the topic of this article, I want to recognize that we are still in the grip of a terrible pandemic and that, in my humble opinion, we are not “over it” as some might have you believe.  Based on the chaos and lack of a coherent plan to tame this beast it appears to me that the worst is…


In case you haven’t been paying attention, it’s becoming more and more clear that the horse is out of the barn:  we’ve passed a tipping point.  When you can read this in Forbes, things have changed.   “After all the suffering of the pandemic, let’s make investments that will preserve life as we know in this planet and strengthen our…

The Supreme Decision

  On February 9th I sent you an article about a Supreme Court case that would have tangible consequences for the quality of the water that we drink, play in and use for all the other things for which we depend on clean water.     Clean Water Crisis Well, the decision came down and from what I gather the Court revised…

Are We There Yet?

The last couple of messages weren’t particularly encouraging.  This one brings a better message:  The message is getting through.   The message is that climate change is REAL, something to be concerned about and will have a personal impact.     “Nearly three-quarters of respondents also said they were worried about the current global climate, with 34 percent saying they…

The Big Gamble: Betting Our Future on Ignorance?

The following Newsweek opinion piece’s principal message is that the current COVID-19 pandemic should teach us the lesson about the cost of failing to recognize foreseeable disasters and take actions to mitigate them.  Denying the science behind pending catastrophes doesn’t make them go away.   “The real discussion we should be having is not about the age-old debate of big government versus small…

Is Oil Finally Burnt Out?

I have been warning of the impending collapse of the fossil fuel business especially oil.  And, with it the devaluation of value of the oil companies’ stock price.  I expected it to happen quickly when it occurred but I certainly didn’t expect it to happen due to a global pandemic.  But here we are. As predicted, it ain’t pretty.  And after we get past…

Could Climate Change Modeling be Wrong?

Several of my recent posts have been focused mostly on renewable energy.  Today, I am going back to what we can expect from a warming climate and the implications thereof.  As readers you know that I have been preaching about how projections of the horrid outcomes of warming the atmosphere of our planet will be much worse and come faster than the “experts”…

The Bee Gees Understood the Winds of Change

First of all, click on the video below and enjoy some Bee Gees music while you read this.  You’ll get the connection.   As I wrote about in my last post, renewable energy is blowing away fossil fuels.  It’s not only a prediction any more.  It’s reality.   “Renewable energy beat coal for generating electricity for the first quarter of…

Will Air Travel Ever Be The Same?

I am thinking of all of you that receive and read my posts.  I am confident that, while it make take much longer than any of us would like, we will emerge from the pandemic in time.  I certainly hope and pray that we and all of our loved ones and friends are healthy and sound now and at that time. I imagine…

How About Some Good News?

In light of the health crisis we are all now experiencing it feels disjointed to be focusing on anything else.  So far I, Debbie and the rest of my immediate family are all feeling good and hunkered down in isolation and working from home.  I certainly hope that you are doing as well also and imploring everyone you can influence…

The Answer, My Friend, Is Blowing In The Wind (Credit to Bob Dylan)

The winds of change are blowing.   I’ve alerted you too many times to count that the energy industry is changing rapidly and is nearing a tipping point.  Actually, given the current situation, may have been pushed permanently beyond the tipping point and into a new reality.   Here’s some more evidence of how the rapidly evolving future is currently…

Could Thawing Permafrost Doom the Planet?

I’ve over the years, and recently also, mentioned positive feedback loops.  (  Certainly the melting of the Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland ice is one that is very frightening.  But there is another one that has been extremely worrisome to me and which has gotten little public attention but could be the dagger in the heart to being able to stop runaway climate…

Jimmy Kimmel (‪@jimmykimmel‬) 3/16/20, 12:57 PM At the end of all this, let’s try to remember that the geniuses who told us not to worry about coronavirus are the same geniuses telling us not to worry about #climatechange

Following up on the post I wrote on Monday ( I am attaching two more articles about how ill prepared the U.S. is for anticipating and preparing for a rapid change in the climate and the consequences thereof.  Just look at the title of this post and think of how totally incompetently the current Administration is in dealing with the current Pandemic to…

Is the Coronavirus Pandemic Sending Us a Wake Up Call on Climate???

The world around us is changing fast.  And as much change as we’ve seen in the last week, especially since Wednesday, it’s going to accelerate and it’s hard to imagine what life will be like a week from now much less in a month.  I hope you are taking this pandemic extremely seriously and staying home and isolated.  Even if…

As Predicted

I hope you have been paying attention to what I have been telling you was coming for many years.  Seems the inevitability of the future of energy is finally beginning to not only take hold but take OVER.  And investors are sniffing it out and the flee from fossil fuels is starting and only going to gain momentum.  Values for any fossil fuel assets…

Is it Time to Engage Now??

Recently I wrote about what you can personally do to help protect the planet from the worst possible outcomes of climate chaos and leave our descendants a more hospitable and livable environment. One of the things I suggested was joining Sierra Club and helping in these pursuits.  (Full disclosure, as  you probably know, I have been a Club member since…

How Bad Can It Really Get? A Lot More Than We’ve Been Lead to Believe…

For years I have been saying that scientists and other climate “experts” were under estimating the likelihood and degree (pun intended) of a warming planet.  The reason for this I said was because they were worried about public perception of being alarmist and possibly of “getting out over their skis.” And if in fact that their more extreme predictions didn’t come to…

Sulfur is the New Cobalt

I have been predicting for years that an alternative technology would eventually replace the lithium-ion battery that is now used in electric vehicles.  Some of the reasons being weight, cost, range and, the availability and cost of cobalt.   The following article describes a promising development that could make a huge difference in EV adoption.   We’re getting closer and closer to…

Quitting Your Hamburger Addiction Ain’t Gonna Cut It

I am often asked by people, “what can and should I be doing to help curb climate catastrophe?”  Many people feel guilty about their lifestyle and/or simply want to do what they can to be a part of the solution to prevent the worst consequences of a warming planet.  My answer is not always what people want to hear. I…

Clean Water Crisis

Getting away from climate issues for a moment, the following article reminds us once again that elections really matter to our personal lives and health.  Who sits on the benches of our courts directly determines the quality and nature of the air we breath and the water we drink and in which we play.     “The U.S. Supreme Court is set…

Here It Comes! A Seismic Shift in Money Flow

Almost 40 years ago, 1982, a book was published called “Megatrends”.  The author had been an intelligence officer in WWII and was using a technique that had been developed during the war to intuit what was happening to society, primarily in Germany, at that time.  The general concept was to count the number of lines in the local papers that various…

Climate Status Report: Bleak

In my last few messages I’ve been writing about some encouraging developments that have been occurring recently that give hope that despite the current administration in DC right now (I can’t get myself to say it’s name) there is reason to think our society is waking up to the urgent need to act with expediency to blunt the worst impacts…

The Demise of Fossil Fuels? Not from DC

It’s real easy to be overwhelmingly pessimistic about what the future of our planet and civilization will look like due to all the planet heating chemicals we’re putting into the atmosphere.  I’ve read a couple of articles recently lamenting the negative psychological impact that a bleak/apocalyptic  vision of the future is now having on youth around the world.  That’s easy to comprehend because…

Fission or Fusion: What is the Difference?

Staying on the technology theme for one more article, this one is about nuclear power.  As a teenager my best friend’s father was very engaged in the topic and indoctrinated me early. Therefore, I have opposed nuclear power from fission since the 60’s. (Yea, I’m old enough for that to have happened.) While power from nuclear fission does not emit global warming…

We Need More Tools

No matter what we do now, we’ve already baked in increasingly severe consequences from a warming climate.  That said, if we do nothing and stay on the trajectory upon which we are currently headed, the future of our civilization is in extreme jeopardy.  As it stands right now, we will unquestionably have to adopt to some changes but by being proactive…

Is This The Real Game Changer?

In the past I have written about potential pivotal technology advances that will change the paradigm for electric vehicles (including planes and ships).  We have all read many announcements with hope, only to never see these come into commercial fruition.  (Although in an upcoming post I am going to be following up on one that I wrote about not too long ago that actually IS going into full…

Ignore Climate Chaos in your Investments at Your Own Peril

The planet is already experiencing huge impacts from the increasing heat caused by our emitting heat trapping gasses, primarily CO2 and methane.  The consequences are going to get much worse due to the amount of these compounds we’ve already emitted but also what we will inevitably put into the atmosphere in the next 10 years and beyond.  And while we have and opportunity to mitigate the worse…

Your Own Back Yard (or Front Yard as the Case May Be)

Back in the 80’s when it was obvious to me that the science of global warming was clear and convincing I began trying to get others to believe it was happening as well.  That has been a long, gradual and uphill process.  Nevertheless, in the last two years or so it seems like a critical mass has been achieved here in…

As Predicted

Last April I told you for a second time not to worry about the proposed fuel economy standards (CAFE) rollbacks because even if the Trump Administration did issue lower regulations that most likely they wouldn’t be implemented and if they were, the auto manufacturers would not adhere to them.     10 Months Later the Story’s Still the Same: Trump is Irrelevant You’ve seen that…

Have You Considered How A Warmer Climate is Going to Change Your Life?

Undoubtedly you read or heard about the power shutoff that occurred in California recently by PG & E due to wildfires.  Most likely, though, you may not have thought about some of the implications of this beyond the immediate concern of the people effected by this event. The ongoing issues are very disconcerting and cannot be resolved overnight.  In fact, they may…

Which Side Will You Be On?

The following article is long and primarily focused on the risk of investments in fossil fuels.  While I have been cautioning you about this for years the chickens are now coming home to roost.  The financial markets are finally seeing the signs of a fundamental shift in where energy production is going.  And the markets are reacting.  While this is…

Coming to a City Near You: Horrifying Ramifications of Excessive Heat

Reading the following article from Rolling Stone Magazine, I don’t know where to begin.  If you’ve ever read one of their feature articles you know how long they are.  So, I am reluctant to use them in my postings.  Yet, this one is so compelling.  It is about the impact of extreme heat that is coming as a result of climate change.…

Do Melting Ice Sheets Matter to YOU?

The last post I sent you emphasized how dramatically the earth is heating up and consistently smashing heat records worldwide by huge margins at a vastly higher pace than anytime in the past.  This is one of the results.    “What was once exceptional is becoming more frequent today.”   “The melting has reached parts of Greenland that typically stay frozen all year…

What You Don’t See CAN Hurt You…And Already IS!

I ran into a friend at a party a short while ago who I hadn’t seen in quite a while.  He gets this newsletter and remarked to me that he appreciated getting the info and my passion for the subject matter.  And then he asked me if we were really in any big trouble.   Of course I answered with a…

Can Concrete Really Save the Planet? Part 2

On June 15th I sent you this article:  Can Concrete Really Save the Planet?  As a follow up to this is the following article which describes the pressure that investors are placing on cement companies to reduce and ultimately eliminate their CO2 emissions.   “Members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate change and the Climate Action 100+, a coalition…

Ever Heard of ‘Compound’ Disasters?

  The last article I sent focused on dangerous heat events occurring all over the world but especially devastatingly in SE Asia.  This article delves into developing knowledge and research into the complications of how the changing climate is not linear but rather causing multiple factors of climate change to interact making climate disaster events exponentially worse.  Scientists are learning more and…

The Climate Crisis is Already Displacing Millions

Our youngest of 4, our daughter Melanie, got married last weekend.  What a spectacular, magical event.  We had hoped to hold the ceremony outside on the shore overlooking Lake Michigan.  Thank goodness we had an indoor backup plan.  The country was baking under a massive heat wave and the temperature that day was 96 degrees.     But this weather,…

111 degrees in France, a Record. This is What Climate Crisis Looks Like Today. Imagine 10 Years from Now!

Normally I wouldn’t send you another piece of news so soon after my last post but this article was simply too compelling and extreme for me to wait. All I can say is read the whole thing.  It is horrifying.  And it’s coming to your city or town eventually. Especially if you are in Phoenix, LA, Las Vegas, Atlanta or…

The Corporate World is FINALLY Waking Up to Climate Change Disaster…For Whatever Reason

  The last several articles that I’ve sent you were about how the warming climate is creating unprecedented weather events around the U.S. and the world.  CO2 levels have shattered concentrations such that it’s now, around 415 ppm, at a concentration that has never existed during human existence.  Or, for millions of years before that.  We are heading into new uncharted territory at a pace…

It’s Exponentially Worse Than You Are Thinking…

  I’ve been telling you for years and years that our warming planet was headed for consequences much greater than was being predicted by main stream scientists and reported by the main stream media.  I warned that consequences would happen faster and with more impact than most people were willing to say to the public.  But as I’ve delineated in the last…

We’re on Fire

“India last week was in the grip of its worst heat wave… The capital, Delhi, reached a daily record of 118 degrees Fahrenheit, or 48 degrees Celsius, on June 10.” “San Francisco peaked at 100 degrees Fahrenheit on June 12, also a daily record” “Even Helsinki, Finland, way up north on the Baltic Sea, practically turned into an outdoor sauna when…

It’s Not Getting Bad, It’s Already Bad and Only Going to Get Worse: Across the U.S.: Twisters, Snow, Floods and Sweltering Heat

From the following article: “The United States has experienced 412 consecutive months with temperatures, at least nominally, above the 20th-century average, according to NOAA. Climate disasters have also been on the rise, with three of the four most active disaster years coming in 2016, 2017 and 2018.” It is becoming more and more obvious that extreme weather is getting worse…

Can We Develop DAC (Direct Air Capture) Technology to Help Save the Planet? Not Without Help

In my last post the other day I wrote about how a new method of producing concrete has the potential of removing massive amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere if adopted as the only way of cement production on a world wide scale.  It is becoming increasingly certain that to keep the climate from destroying our way of life we not only need…

Can Concrete Actually Save The Planet??

For many years I’ve been hearing about schemes to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere.  I always thought they were nuts. Rube Goldberg type of stuff. ( Since the Paris Climate Accord I’ve been hearing some prominent scientists saying that unless we find ways to suck CO2 out of the air there is no practical way that we are going to keep…

This Is How It Happens

A couple of decades ago, there was a lot of concern about how the ESA (Endangered Species Act) was hampering industry.  One example was about the spotted owl.  Because this bird had been placed on the endangered list large swaths of old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest was banned from logging or otherwise being disturbed.  That is because in order to…

10 Times Faster

Just as technology that will accelerate the transition to a carbon emissions free future is developing more rapidly than most experts could imagine even five years ago it turns out that we are shooting at a moving target.  We need to develop and adopt solutions much more quickly than thought necessary because our planet’s climate is deteriorating materially more rapidly than we conceived.  This is…

10 Months Later the Story’s Still the Same: Trump is Irrelevant

Last June after the Trump Administration announced that is was going to roll back the Obama era fuel economy standards I told you not to worry about that.  Here’s the link to that posting.  Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks 10 months later the message is still the same and what I said then is being reiterated again now…   “”It’s a global…

Alaska is Melting

It is easy to look out the window and think that climate change is just a theory that is not happening because everything seems kinda the same where I live.  And hey, what about that polar vortex last winter with -23 degree temperatures.  But increasingly, more and more people are looking out the window and seeing something drastically different.  And…

Ocean Coastal Real Estate Values Starting to Plummet

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal came with a supplement magazine.  When I opened it up I saw a couple of ads for private islands for sale.  The properties looked serene and gorgeous surrounded by crystal blue water.  The two I glanced at were priced at over $15,000,000.  I said to myself, who in their right mind would pay a penny for one of…

Here’s a running list of all the ways climate change has altered Earth in 2019

Earth is now the warmest it’s been in some 120,000 years. Eighteen of the last 19 years have been the warmest on record. And concentrations of carbon dioxide — a potent greenhouse gas — are likely the highest they’ve been in 15 million years. The consequences of such a globally-disrupted climate are many, and it’s understandably difficult to keep track. To help, here’s a list…

Climate Change Deniers Likely to be Impacted the Most?

Those of you that live in the middle of the country, like I do near Chicago, may be thinking that since we don’t live on an ocean coast that a warmer climate due to man made climate change won’t affect us much.  Here in Chicago I sometimes hear people saying how winters here have changed since we were kids in the…

Subtle Climate Change Killer

Continuing on the theme of changes in the weather due to a warmer planet, this article points out how climate change is affecting people in ways that are not obviously clear.  Take a guess what kills more people worldwide than alcohol use, kidney failure or too much salt.  Smog.   I know that quite a number of you reading this…

Ringing The Alarm Bell NOW

I know.  I know.  I keep sending you articles about extreme weather and its consequences.  It’s because it’s my perception that most people, especially those in the US, haven’t yet come to grips with how bad the circumstances are that we are already experiencing around the planet due to the increased heat in the atmosphere .  And, therefore, how much worse it is…

The World’s Driest Desert is Flooding

If you are still thinking that extreme weather from a warming planet is still years away and that we have time to react, you’d better start paying attention to what is already happening all over the globe.  It’s time to listen carefully to the scientists and start making dramatic changes NOW before things get really out of hand or we move past…

Hindu Kush Himalayan Region is Important Too

In the last article I sent out it mentions the world’s ‘Third Pole”.  That region is the Hindu Kush Himalayan mountains.  And a warmer climate is melting it as well.   “Glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region, which spans eight countries in South Asia from Afghanistan to Myanmar, could lose more than a third of their volume by the end…

The Enormous Impact of Melting Ice

There is so much quotable news in the article below I don’t know where to start.  Basically, this piece consolidates many of the warnings I’ve been writing about forever.  The main points: A warming planet will melt glaciers and ice sheets around the world. This will lead to sea level rise that will put costal communities in grave danger in a multitude of ways. Changing…

How About A Change of Pace?

There have been a great deal of articles recently with information and developments which I want to share with you.  My practice has been not to deluge you with emails from me and limit my posts to 2 or 3 a week.  I’ve decided to alter that practice for the time being and write to you more often, if I can find the time.…

DANGER: Four Times the Rate Previously Thought

  The data from scientists just gets scarier and scarier.  Despite the fact that you may look out your window and not see much change in your immediate landscape, massive changes are happening around the globe that are already having a significant impact on our planet and many other people around the globe are already feeling the pain.  The recent…

How Alterations in the Jet Stream Due to Climate Change is Causing This Cold Spell in Chicago

For those of you living in Illinois and surrounding areas, you know how cold it is outside today being minus 6 this morning.  It’s expected to go down to -15F in a few days.  So after posting my last article about the horrible heat wave hitting Australia with record breaking temperatures one of you emailed me back suggesting that the climate…

Two Updates: Australia Heat and Pentagon Warning

In my last two posts (  &  one was about record breaking heat in Australia and the other referenced “Our own Pentagon has sited climate change as the biggest threat to the planet and peace”.  In the last couple of days, two additional articles have been published which relate to these two posts and reiterate the point.   First is a new…

Climate Wars

In my last post ( I wrote, “Our own Pentagon has sited climate change as the biggest threat to the planet and peace.”  I have mentioned this before over the years. Today, another article came out that reiterates this fact.  While this piece does not mention the Pentagon reports that have been published, it does discuss the Pentagon’s fears of the risk…

CO2 Emissions Hiccup

I’m sure you are aware that over half of US coal fired power plants have been closed since 2002 when the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign began.  (281 retired and 249 to go) And almost no new ones have been permitted for construction.  This has not only reduced significant amounts of CO2 but also small particulate matter and other emissions…

Shorter Winters, Less Snow, Big Trouble

One of the first consequences of a warming climate that I said would occur is now happening and being confirmed by data. Scientists predicted that the snow pack in the Rocky Mountains would shrink as a result of shorter and warmer winters.  The principal problem that was foreseen was less water flowing into the rivers which flow into the Great Plains that provide irrigation for…

What’s Warm and Wet? Minnesota and Siberia

The following headlines and articles are becoming more and more frequent as the consequences of a warming climate are becoming increasingly evident and consequential.  It’s one thing to say, “get used to these headlines”.  It’s an altogether different thing to get used to what is and going to happen.  The frequency of the headlines is only a small sampling of…

Climate Change Costs Allstate $3 Billion in 9 Days

For decades, many people said that the cost of doing something, anything to fight climate change was simply too much and uneconomical.  I have always said that there is no evidence of this and that there is not one shred of data to support this contention.  Not one single study.  In fact, all the research shows that doing what is…

Frightening Climate Change Consequences Happening Now, Not Some Distant Time in the Future

Still not convinced that the climate is getting warmer and that the outcomes will be no big deal? Well, Australia is now suffering unheard of heat and the following article describes an outcome of climate change that is truly frightening.  What the “alarmists” have been predicting is not occurring at some vague time in the future but RIGHT NOW and in a…

Today is a Big Day for The Environment

Recently, I’ve been writing quite a bit about the financial risk climate change presents to the capital markets and insurance companies. And the last post was about the consequences to people who live in the path of hurricanes that cause catastrophic rain and storm surge and other weather events that create climate refugees. Now, I want to turn to the…

Will You Be A Climate Refugee?

I’ve been writing quite a bit about the economic consequences of climate change. Less and less we’re hearing the outcry that doing anything about climate change will have negative, if not devastating impact, on the economy. Besides the fact that there is not ONE study that shows this to be true, actually the opposite, what is overlooked by those that…

Climate Change in Financial Markets is Going Mainstream

Two themes that I have written about a great deal come together in this article. One is that risk of climate change is increasingly becoming factored into financial markets and financial decisions. I’ve cautioned about being invested in fossil fuel industry assets especially those companies that have trillions of dollars of fossil fuels on their balance sheets that could end…

Are You Getting On The Right Train?

This post reverts back to the one I sent recently about peak oil growth. In that post I highlighted this point:  “Investors are increasingly sitting up and taking notice”. The following article, maybe not unintentionally published on 9/11, a day that changed the world, is about the financial consequences of the shift away from oil (and other fossil fuels).  As the article title indicates, energy companies…

Slipping into the Danger Zone

As the flood waters recede in the Carolinas, the cleanup begins.  And billions of our tax payer money will be used to help the victims of Hurricane Florence recover.  My guess is that most of us want to help our fellow citizens in their time of great need get back on their feet and using our tax dollars is a…

Could Oil Demand Peak in Just Five Years?

Two reoccurring themes in my posts are that mainstream thinking is wrong and that changes are going to happen much, much faster than the experts project.  One of those changes is how fast the transition from a fossil fuel economy to one that is powered by renewable energy will happen.  Usually when I make some bold statement about how fast things will…

Another One Hits the Dust – Actually 2

In following up on my last post about how insurance companies are retreating from providing coverage for the coal industry, here is information published by Sierra Club reaffirming that the retirement of coal plants is continuing unabated by anything that is happening in Washington right now.  The information presented below speaks for itself but here are some of the highlights.  …

More Abandonment of Coal

The retreat from coal is not only gaining momentum but beginning to become a tsunami.  Literally, TRILLIONS of dollars are being syphoned away from anything having to do with coal and there is nothing Donald Trump can do about this.  Once again I’ll say, Coal is a dead man walking.  With examples such as so many insurance companies divesting I wonder why others continue…

Real Estate Values Being Hammered by Climate Change

The tangible consequences of climate change are occurring and no amount of denial is going to stop this. I posted about this recently and here’s another article about the same thing of how real estate values are being affected.  People are becoming more and more aware of and sensitive to how the changes in climate are affecting our lives.  When we consistently see…

Forest Fires are Changing Our Way of Life: The New Normal

The urgency of fighting to limit the affects of climate change is becoming quite clear in the consequences that are already occurring.  In the last post I described the impact to real estate that is near the ocean coastlines.  Continuing on the same theme this article describes just some of the consequences from forest fires that are becoming more frequent…

When Will Your Coastal Property Become Worthless?

One of the reasons that I write this blog is to provide information on the consequences of climate change early on that you may miss in the main stream media.  I try to keep it relevant to people so you can use it to make smart decisions under changing circumstances.  This post is another pertaining to protecting the value of…

The last post I sent you the other day was about what will shape up as a titanic battle between oil companies and electric utilities as cars and trucks switch from gas to electric. So, following up on that theme the following article is a fairly deep dive into the kind of investment and opportunity there exists in the transition.…

Thomas Friedman Has it Right

I’m sure that many of you read the New York Times and Thomas Friedman’s articles. This one I found particularly interesting not so much for the political commentary but for how he describes the current status of the climate. It’s worth a quick read of the entire article but here’s the most poignant parts for me. “it’s as if Mother…

In Case You Have Any Doubts…

In case you or someone you know still has any doubts about the fact of human caused climate change or of its devastating consequences and effects this article should make you think twice a hundred times. Events are unfolding along the lines that have been predicted for a few decades now. Have you seen any of the articles about how…

An Unrecognizable World

The map below does not copy well to this posting.  The title is “The World: 4 degrees C Warmer”.  And it notes, “No one knows exactly what this world will look like, but models provide insights into forced human migrations and our future power generation.”  Another notation is: “Amazon: desert”.  How accurate this might be if we are unable to…

Declining Demand for Fossil Fuel Stock

Here’s some news you may have missed. Ireland is divesting of its fossil fuel investments. More and more individuals and institutions are realizing that holding and investing in fossil fuel companies is bad for the planet, bad economics and bad for their reputation and brand. Thus, they are all dumping their fossil fuel securities. And the movement is spreading: individuals,…

Rainforest Destruction Causing Greater Harm that Thought

As time goes on we continue to learn more and more about how complex our climate is. So many factors contribute to how things change. Research constantly unfolds new understanding of how our human activities are exacerbating global warming which is in turn changing the climate both locally and globally. The following article is certainly eye opening. It is commonly…

San Joaquin Valley Farming Crisis

The following article is kinda long and detailed. But the point is profound. Humans are depleting the groundwater aquifer under the California farmland. This is not simply a climate change issue but a warming planet is contributing to the crisis. Less rain in the area and less snow melting from the Sierra Nevada mountains is exacerbating the depleting water supply.…

Top U.K. Banker Warns of Economic Climate Bubble

If you go to my website,, and look back over the years of posts, you’ll see quite a few are pointing out the economic and investment risk that climate change threatens. Gradually, over the past years, the alarm has been growing and growing. Undoubtedly, there is going to be disruption to “business as usual.” Enormous shifts of capital are…

Heartbreaking Expose of Global Warming on Peoples’ Daily Life

When you think of climate change what do you think of? Do you think about how it will affect you personally? Or how it may affect others? Do you worry about hurricanes? Tornados? Flooding? Sea level rise? Storm surge? Fires? Drought? Mud slides? Heat waves? Travel delays? Economic impact? Refugees? War? All of our lives are most likely are going…

Altering NSR Can Kill You. Concerned??

There are some small obscure items that fly way under the public’s radar that can have an enormous impact on individuals and society. One of those is a regulation called NSR. That stands for New Source Review and falls under the Clean Air Act. This regulation for coal fired power plants controls the definition of what constitutes general maintenance and…

Don’t Fret CAFE Rollbacks

There are untold numbers of articles reiterating the fact that regardless of what the Trump Administration does about reducing the current CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards it would be insane for the auto manufacturers NOT to continue pushing forward on maximum fuel economy for their ICE’s (Internal Combustion Engines) and rollout of electric vehicles.  The article below is one…

Will the Middle East Become Uninhabitable?

It can be hard to imagine the catastrophic impact that climate change can create.  While the US has seen impacts, somehow when droughts dissipate, hurricanes die out, mud slides get cleaned up, fires are doused, flood waters recede and temperatures drop most of the public forgets about these events.  Not, of course, those who’s lives are severely impacted.  But most of the public puts…

Harvard, London School of Economics and EDF Finally Agree with What I’ve Been Saying for Years

I’d love to be wrong on my prognostications about the consequences of a warming climate as that would mean that the future is not so bleak as I’ve often made it out to be. And I guess it’s a bit braggadocios to be an “I told you so”. But, as has been the case over and over, the early warnings…

How About Some Optimism?

Since I’ve been writing about how horrible the impact of Global Climate Change is likely to be, I thought I’d pass on a more optimistic view.  Besides, some of you have been responding to me siting information showing that things aren’t as dire as I make them out to be.  Let’s hope that I am over inflating our grim future.  I…

An Uninhabitable Phoenix?

I know.  I said that the last post would be the last about how the warming climate is impacting our society.  But I just couldn’t help myself with this article since it dovetails perfectly with my previous message.   “That river is drying up. This winter, snow in the Rocky Mountains, which feeds the Colorado, was 70% lower than average.” “the…

How Critical is the Rocky Mountain Snowpack?

I am continuing one more time with my messaging about the impact on the physical impact that a warmer climate will increasingly have on our society due to climate change.  While skiers and the towns and businesses around the world that rely on an adequate snowfall and snowpack are well aware of the impact of a lack of snow in…

OMG!! It’s Happening NOW.

The following report that was published this morning simply confirms all that I’ve been writing about recently.  The atmosphere is rapidly being altered by our combustion of fossil fuels which is releasing CO2 and causing unprecedented weather events. This revelation should focus our attention and efforts on an all out effort to initiate transition away from fossil fuel consumption to create…

Atlantic Current At Risk??

This is very scary stuff.  And I think this article says it all.  Usually, I only highlight the salient items of articles I send out so that you can find the most important info quickly and easily if you don’t want to take the time to read the entire piece.  This time I find myself highlighting  almost the entire article!…

2017 Most Deadly and Costly Yet

The warming atmosphere is creating more and more weather turmoil and disasters.  For those who decry what climate mitigation will cost they should consider the cost of NOT doing everything we possibly can to minimize the impact some of which is already baked into our future.   Of course it’s not just the direct cost of cleaning up after a disaster. There…

What is Climate Change Costing You? Check Your Tax Bill or Our Federal Deficit

Continuing on the climate and weather are both changing theme, I hope you are not sticking your head in the sand and thinking that “I’m not being affected.”  We are ALL paying the cost of our fossil fuel addition ways.  Right here in Chicagoland, the flooding is getting worse and worse and more and more frequent.  The property damage is but…

Do You Really Care About Sea Ice?

Here’s more evidence of a warming climate and the affect it is having on our ecosystem the conclusion of which reflects the theme of most of my messages to you: “It is essential that we take action now to reduce emissions and move toward a low-carbon economy and climate-resilient world. It is our shared responsibility to safeguard the Arctic and…

Greenland Is Coming to a Shore Near You

Continuing on the theme of showing the evidence and impact of a warming planet, here’s more on how the melting of the glaciers in Greenland is speeding up.  This, of course, will raise sea levels.  The impact of that will be enormous especially for all the human (and plant and animal life as well) life and infrastructure along coastlines.  Not…

Not Feeling Quite so Cold This Winter? You’re Not Imagining It.

I am continuing on with a series of messages about how the climate is warming and what the impact is on the ground.  The next several articles are designed to provide a broad overview of the many ways a warming planet is changing and the science behind this phenomenon.   One particular trend to note is that all the changes are happening…

Is it HOT yet?

I am going to be sending you a few posts to insure that you don’t get complacent about the climate.  It is changing dramatically and fast and costing hundreds of billions of $$$$$$$ not to mention the human suffering.   Usually I highlight the most salient parts but it will take you only about a minute to read the whole thing.…

Breakthrough Cuts Solar Photovoltaic Cells in Half

The following article is kind of long and detailed about how a plant that will be producing state of the art silicon wafers for solar photovoltaic cells and create 1000 workers in upstate New York is now going to built overseas due to financing guarantees from the Department of Energy falling through.  And while that in itself is sad and disappointing,…

Are We There Yet?

I’ve had a few people get in touch to see if I am OK since I hadn’t sent anything since December.  Well, I’m fine but just took some time off from blogging.  But in that time I’ve been stockpiling material.   I’d like to start out the year reminding you about what is happening to our Earth, just in case you think…

Will Lithium Supplies Limit EV Growth?

Following is an informative article about the status of lithium production and how its supply is critical to the growth of the EV market.  Here are the critical passages…   “In the last two years, lithium production has not been enough to meet demand. As a result, lithium stockpiles have diminished,” said James Frith, an energy storage analyst at Bloomberg…

Oh Yee Of So Little Faith: EV's Are Coming Much Faster Than You Imagine…

My articles have continuously reported to you the dramatic development of electric vehicles and predicted that their adaptation will be much more rapid than is being predicted by the mainstream media and prognosticators.  I’ll repeat my belief: By 2030 all mass marketed light duty vehicles in the US will be either fully electric or drive 80% of the time on electricity.  It…

Trillions of $$ Questioning Investments in Carbon

Investment firms that manage TRILLIONS of dollars are well aware of how climate change challenges the financial risk of their investments. Even if our federal government says they are pro business, their actions to address climate change in any way and alleviate the enormous economic cost to business as the climate warms up, is contrary to this reality.  They are totally…

Who Pays to Move Costal Communities When They are Inundated by Rising Seas: Think Miami, NYC, New Orleans…

With a warming planet raising sea levels at unprecedented levels, costal communities are already trying to cope with their property being inundated with water.     “It’s not clear where relocated communities should go to remain safe, said Steven Bingler, president of Concordia, an urban planning group. He’s working with Louisiana officials on moving people off Isle de Jean Charles,…

Seriously, Again/Still??? ANWR Fight is Back

The Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is under attack again to be opened up for drilling for oil.  Oil companies, and their surrogates in Congress, and now, the White House, just can’t help themselves.  They have to rape and destroy every and any spectacular landscape on the planet… in the name of short term profits.   In a world that is quickly moving…

Since We Adults Are Unable to Save the Planet It’s Now Up to the Kids

We adults who are fighting to save our Planet Earth from the worst effects of climate change are want to say it’s for our kids and grandkids that we do this.  While we are already experiencing the beginning consequences of a warmer climate, it is the next generations that will feel the worst impacts.  If I live another 20 or…

Solar Costs to Fall Further, Powering Global Demand

In case you need a reminder of how fast things are changing in the energy markets here’s another article projecting the future success of solar energy.  I hope you’ve noticed a continuing theme that prices continue to fall faster than predicted and adaptation progresses at a growing pace beyond what anyone is willing to stick their neck out and project.  …

Can There Be Such A Thing As Good News About Coal?

I’ve run into several of you recently and heard the comment that I haven’t written an article in some time.  Actually, it’s been almost two months.  It’s not for a lack of material.  Just been busy.  So, I’m back now for a while before an extended vacation over the holidays.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.  I…

Just Maybe??

Harvey, Irma, Maria, two massive earthquakes in Mexico and a small one that hit Los Angeles recently, multiple large fires in the West and drought.  OMG!!  It really does feel like the sky is falling.   Here in Chicago the weather has been wonderful.  Dry, sunny, warm.  I feel a sense of guilt as I see so many of our fellow citizens…

Another Senseless Trump Administration Rollback

You may be aware that several of the Detroit auto manufacturers have lobbied the Trump Administration to revisit the fuel economy standards that were put in place by the Obama Administration. While these regulations are a bit complicated due to there being a couple of different standards, generally the regs require substantial and continued fleet average increases in fuel economy for…

Food Refugees

Some time ago in the not so distant past, someone suggested to me that with climate change a warmer planet would actually be a benefit to mankind.  The idea was that there would be a longer growing season and regions in the northern climates would now be more agriculturally productive.  While there may be some truth to those two factors…

EV’s Are Speeding Up

Those of you who have been following my messages know that I am exceptionally more optimistic about how quickly the auto market will transition from ICEs (internal combustion engines) to electric.  I have said for a long time that conventional wisdom is way to conservative.  I am not sure what criteria that is being used but I have a different…

Hot of the Presses: In Case You Had Any Doubt

In case you have ANY doubts about the planet warming up there are three items which follow that should alleviate any misconceptions that may still remain.  First check out this amazing 35 second graphic.  It is simply, scary.  And then the additional short two articles will provide antidotal examples that are happening right now.   This should provide more than…

We’re Cooked and Here’s What’s at Stake

We’re cooked…literally.  Click on this link to read the USA Today article, Global Warming: Atmosphere to Warm By at Least Another 2 Degrees. Click Here for the Article Here are some highlights…   “A scientific study released Monday said that the Earth’s atmosphere will warm by at least another 2 degrees C (3.8 degrees F) — regardless of what we do in…

Burning Issues

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is $25 BILLION in the hole.  Since this program is funded by OUR tax dollars, it is we citizen tax payers that pay for these natural disasters.  We should all be supportive that this program is in place to help and support those that suffer from weather…

It’s Not Your Imagination: Summers ARE Getting Hotter

If you click on the link below you will be able to read the New York Times article referenced below.  I am unable to copy and paste the shocking graphics that clearly demonstrate how dramatically our climate is changing especially as it relates to summer temperatures so you’ll have to click over.  If you haven’t been scared about what is already occurring (think fires and…

Financial Costs of Climate Change Continue to Draw More Attention

This is another post along the lines of how a changing climate will impact financial and economic interests.  The article below points out that financial institutions are waking up to the costs in real dollars and cents that the warming climate will have.  Not having read the study I surmise that the only aspect that has been evaluated is strictly focused on…

The US Flood Insurance Program is Drowning

A few days ago I brought to your attention that flooding caused by storm surge is becoming more frequent and severe due to rising ocean levels caused by climate change.  In that message I pointed out that regardless of where you live in the US or, whether YOU have flooding, we are all going to pay for this phenomenon.  The following article details…

Sea Level Rise Will Flood Hundreds of Cities in the Near Future

Following up on my last post about the impact of the enormous iceberg that calved off of Antartica last week, today I am sending you an article about how the impact of melting ice could affect the United States (and the rest of the world as well) in terms of the flooding and its associated costs.  This should be a wake…

5 Things to Know About the Iceberg

You may have heard about the massive iceberg that broke off from Antartica last week.  The following article will answer many basic questions about the impact of this event.  Here are some of the relevant points: “The massive iceberg holds twice as much water used in the United States every year. It weighs about 1.1 trillion tons and measures 2,200 square miles.…

Ironic Southern Strategy

Over the past decade or so, I have been somewhat engaged at my alma mater, The University of Chicago, with their EPIC (Energy Policy Institute Chicago) program. I had been told of a new tool that was being developed that would be able to model future climate impacts on a very localized basis.  The initial product from this endeavor is now public with…

For The First Time EVER!!

There’s not much I can say that will add to the following article.  I am posting it here in its entirety since I know that most of you don’t actually click through to read the underlying articles on which I base my posts. For the skeptics and so called experts that have been grossly underestimating the growth of renewable energy…

Good News, Horrible News

As always, follow the money.   The good news is that at more and more companies, shareholders are putting forward a significantly increased number of proposals at corporate annual meetings.  In many cases, they are being passed.  Even at Exxon Mobil.  The effects of climate change especially is causing shareholders alarm for the future profits and viability of the companies…

Solar Power Will Kill Coal Faster Than You Think

Here’s another article in this series of blogs that will show that conventional wisdom is outdated and just simply, wrong.  The pace of change in the energy “environment” is gaining more and more momentum…   Solar Power Will Kill Coal Faster Than You Think Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s outlook shows renewables will be cheaper almost everywhere in just a few…

One Minute Amazing Video

Solar technology is moving ahead so much faster than most people comprehend.  It is gaining scale and the price is dropping.  Unfortunately, we are ceding leadership in this arena to the Chinese.  Sad.  The rest of the  world will leave us in the dust if we’re not careful.   Watch this one minute video.  You’ll be amazed.      This…

The Fifth Dimension

In 1969, as part of the musical Hair, the Fifth Dimension recorded this song.  Enjoy the music as you read more about the solar revolution that is coming… Support for clean energy driven by economics — report Maxine Joselow, E&E News reporter Thursday, June 15, 2017 Demand for clean energy is no longer a political issue — it’s an economic…

410 to Yuma

OK.  So the movie is actually 310 to Yuma but that is fiction and this is reality.  That movie is violent and our weather is getting more so too as the climate gets warmer.  It was once described to me how CO2 warms our planet.  Emitting CO2 into the atmosphere is like putting a blanket around the earth.  The more…

100 Days of Destruction

  As you can see from the photo above, I marched in the Peoples Climate March yesterday in Chicago with 5000 others.  It was wet and cold but who cares when the fate of science and our planet are at stake.   I know that most of those that read my blog agree with me that Climate Change is real…


The following article from yesterday’s Huffington Post boggles the mind. All I can say is, watch what Trump does not what he says. It is incomprehensible, given all that we know about how he is attempting to not just slash environmental budgets but to actually eliminate the programs that are protecting our air, water, wild lands and wildlife, to fathom his Earth…

Good News Tainted with Bad News

The good news is that over the last decade, going back to the Bush Administration, legislation backed by funding for environmental work has produced dramatically positive results for U.S. air quality.  According to the first of three following articles: “Toxic air releases are down by half over the last 10 years…. Reported toxic air releases were down 56 percent As…

What Does it Mean to RESIST?

The first 100 days of the new Administration are not even over and yet we have already seen success in efforts to RESIST efforts and actions taken by Trump.  The travel ban hasn’t happened and the ACA is still the law of the land.  While a new Supreme Court Justice is on the court, it took a nuclear option to do…

Environmental Red Line – What Does That Mean to Wild Lands?

Surveys continually show that the American population is becoming increasingly convinced of and concerned about the changing climate and global warming.  The principal cause being the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere along with methane.  The two primary sources comprising about 80% of these emissions are from the production of electricity from coal and natural gas and burning oil in the…

What Does It Mean to "RESIST"

Since the election on November 8, I have been asked countless times “what is the Sierra Club going to do to protect our environment?”  And this: “What can I do to prevent our natural resources and climate to be devastated by actions of the Trump Administration?”  The simple answer is to RESIST.  We simply cannot allow this new reality become acceptable.…

Lamar Smith Continued: Elections DO Have Consequences

Every day of the Trump presidency brings a new or contined shocking event or revelation.  This is remarkable history in real time.  This week saw Dan Rather write on his Facebook page ( about Trump being labeled a “loser”.  Then, a bastion of Conservative thought, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, challenged Trump’s credibility and said “Yet the President clings to his…

Lamar Smith Responds

Last week I wrote about the work of Congresman Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican, chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, and what the Committee under his Chairmanship is attempting to do to scientific research.  This past Wednesday he penned this OpEd piece in the Wall Street Journal.  I do have concerns with anyone who might try to intimidate…

Insidious Subterfuge Right Under Your Nose

When the new President (I can’t even mention his name) took office in January, it wasn’t the beginning of the challenge to climate science and action in DC.  If it weren’t actually happening, I would not be able to imagine that well educated leaders in a free society would actually not only deny that the climate is changing and humans…

Like I Said…

We had dinner with some old friends last night.  The conversation inevitably turned to politics (ugh).  I brought up my recent blog about CRA and the overturning of the Stream Protection Rule.  I tried to explain why anyone (read Republicans and a couple of Democrats) would want to permit (encourage?) blowing the tops off of mountains and then dump the…

What the Hell is CRA and Why Should You Care????

If you have no idea what CRA is don’t feel bad.  Until very recently I’d never heard of it either.  Since the election I’ve been hearing many of my Sierra Club associates talking about how the Republicans are going to use the CRA to reverse much of what the Obama Administration put in place.   CRA stands for Congressional Review Act.  It is described…

Ain't No Stopping Us Now

Maybe I should have entitled this piece after the Talking Heads song “Once in a Lifetime” with the famous lyrics of “You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?” (  But we’re not going to ruminate on the insanity of what’s already happened but look forward to our mutual future.  So instead, click on this url, and listen…

"Help I'm Steppin' into the Twilight Zone"

We discovered on November 8th that history does not progress in a straight line.  The arc of progress, the road of history, twists and turns and sometimes bends back on itself…just like in our own lives.  I’ve paddled a few wilderness creeks like this.  Back and forth never being sure where you’re going and if or when this frustrating endeavor will end.…

You Knew This Was Coming…Solar Breakthrough

As I have been predicting, there are going to be developments that we don’t see coming and will turn conventional wisdom on its head.  Well, here it comes!!! Buckle up.  Change is going to happen faster and faster.  Here‘s the key point: ” a then-audacious campaign to make solar power as cheap as electricity from coal. “Frank van Mierlo holds his…

Wow! Biodegradable Plastic???

OK.  So this article is kind of wonky and I don’t really get all the science in it.  But, what it says is that at Stanford they have developed an apparently simple and inexpensive way to make all kinds of plastic biodegradable.  This could be an enormous development for the health of the planet. “researchers at Stanford and IBM Research…

Trillions of Investment Dollars Ignoring Climate Change: What's in YOUR Portfolio?

Considering how much financial damage is now already occurring around the globe due to a changing climate, it is surprising to see how so many investors continue to ignore the implications on their own financial security.  Or maybe it is encouraging to view this in the opposite way and see how many investors are waking up to the fact that a changing climate…

"If the Rain Comes They Run and Hide Their Heads"

“If the Rain Comes They Run and Hide Their Heads” said the Beatles 50 years ago in their song Rain.  And now it is coming in much greater quantities over shorter periods of time much more frequently. Unfortunately, our infrastructure has not been constructed with this new normal in mind.   It’s too late now for our current systems to handle what is…

New Research to Reduce EV Charge Times and Increase Range

So many of the incredible technologies and medical breakthroughs we enjoy today and are making our lives better have either been due to basic research done by the our Federal government or funded by it.  Some of this has been done by the DOE (Department of Energy).  The following is a very exciting example.  If successful, the results of this…

What Climate Change Means to You…

As the planet heats up the impact of climate change is going to become more and more obvious to people in very personal ways.  One is described in this article that ran in the Washington Post last week. Scientists have been predicting and warning for 20 years that infectious diseases that have until this time been restricted to warmer and…

EV and Fuel Economy Developments

In the past there has been discussion amongst our transportation groupies about the use of precious metals and the restraint that it could have on the mass adaptation of electric vehicles and battery power storage.  Therefore, this development sited below from Honda is a potential game changer.   “Honda Motor Co. has developed a new electric motor for hybrid vehicles that tackles…

What is a "Rain Bomb"???

My recent post talked about increasing and record setting temperatures around the planet.  Continuing on the theme of extreme weather that is being caused by human activity that is causing climate change, this post explains “Rain Bombs”.  This is a new term for me and you too, most likely.  And while we may not recognize the term, many of us…

Record Setting Temperatures Around the Globe

There are some people that still do not believe that the planet is getting warmer, that it is being caused by human behavior and that the consequences on human civilization will have horrible effects.  Some of those people are receiving this blog. I am not going to mention in this blog the impact that a hotter climate will have on…

10 Years Later: Climate Change is Still "An Inconvenient Truth"

As the Republican Convention starts tonight and will culminate with the nomination of two blatant climate change deniers, it seems like a good time to review what has happened in the past 10 years to our planet compared to the predictions in Al Gore’s movie from  2006. Of course, no predictions are perfect.  We wouldn’t want them to be as…

This Should Get Your Attention

  This Might Get the World to Finally Pay Attention to Climate Change Alissa Walker Yesterday 7:20pm The Royal Navy’s HMS Defender, one of six Type 45 Defenders. (Image: Getty Images News) Six British warships stationed in the Persian Gulf are breaking down because the water is too hot. This week, members of the British Navy testified to the UK’s…

Paris Climate Conference Primer

Starting next week, the Paris Climate Negotiations will occur.  World leaders and their representatives will come together once again to attempt to craft an agreement or treaty that will begin to curve the trajectory of climate warming gases back to a level that will save the planet from devastating consequences.   The following article is a good summary of what will be happening…

Pitch Perfect

In case you somehow missed it, President Obama on Friday denied the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline ending 7 years of uncertainty.  Below are links to two videos.  First is his 9 minute statement and the second is a shorter video from the Sierra Club thanking him. I have discussed this controversy with many of you over the years…

Heading Towards Paris: Where We Are Today

The following article points out that no matter how successful the negotiations are in Paris in December, they will be totally insufficient to limit the impacts a warming climate will have on civilization to a tolerable level.  But progress is progress. It is very significant that there is beginning to be a worldwide consensus that we must make commitments to…

The Clean Power Plan IS Environmental Justice

Great blog today from Sierra Club President Aaron Mair.  It has irritated the hell out of me for decades  that the coal industry has insisted that if they are forced to clean up their emissions our lives will suffer.  They claim it will cost everyone more money and jobs will vanish.  And, of course, they deny that climate change is…

Now It's Peak Oil in China in the News: And Sooner Than Anyone Imagined

Information continues to come out of China that the leadership there is engineering an about face when it comes to fossil fuels AND transportation.  China is beginning to head in a new direction… and relatively fast.  And the rest of the world had better take heed.   While I have been informing you of China’s moves to clear their air…

More and More Scientific Proof of a Warming Planet Caused by Human Activity

And the hits just keep on coming…  Every bit of data continues to confirm that humans are warming the planet by burning fossil fuels.  The theory and computer models work.  Even though there are still skeptics that refuse to accept this they are getting left in the dustpan of history.   What baffles me is why some very smart people continue…

FINALLY! A Milestone 40 Years in the Making

For those of you who have been following my posts for some time, you will recall that I have been occasionally sending you information that indicates that China “gets it”.  Those posts have indicated that China’s leaders realize that they have a pollution problem that impacts public concern and public health. Furthermore, they are not oblivious to climate change and the impact it will have…

Green Power Storage Coming on Strong

A big concern about solar and wind power’s ability to take over electricity production is the intermittent nature of the source.  To ensure that there is  power when and where we need it it is necessary to be able to have adequate storage of this type of power.  The following article is very informative about the current status of our…

While Nero Fiddled: Climate Warming Data

In case you were wondering what all the fuss about climate change is about and if it is really happening here are the numbers.  This is quite definitive and, in my opinion, pretty scary.  And things are, excuse the pun, just heating up.  We’ve already locked in increasing consequences for decades to come.   I made a business presentation last…

Yes, The U.S. Can Reduce Emissions 80% by 2050 – In 6 Graphs

Finally, there are an increasing number of well documented research papers being published that are validating what I have been saying for a long, long time: SOLVING THE CLIMATE CRISIS IS TECHNOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE AND WILL NOT DESTROY OUR ECONOMY.  IN FACT, IT WILL ACTUALLY BE ECONOMICALLY PROFITABLE TO DO SO ESPECIALLY WHEN PUBLIC HEALTH COSTS ARE ALSO PART OF THE…

New Study on Ocean Warming

In a recent message to you I copied an article from the Wall Street Journal which said that while the climate is warming up and that man is responsible for at least some of this phenomenon there was still debate amongst the scientific community about exactly how the buildup of CO2 and other heat trapping elements were interacting with the…

Despite the Headline, The Wall Street Journal Now Admits That Humans Are Causing The Climate to Change

Last Saturday the following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal.  I found this to be a legitimate analysis of the state of where climate science is today.  I’ve highlighted, as usual, the passages which I believe captures the essence of this piece.  But this is the core of it… “Nor is the crucial question whether humans are influencing the climate. That is no hoax:…

West Antarctica laciers move on path toward major sea-level rise

According to the following article we still have time to mitigate the worst consequences of melting Antarctica Glaciers.  If we eliminate our emissions of CO2 rapidly we can prevent the worst consequences of sea level rise.   If the worst case scenarios are avoided then we can allow future generations the time needed to adopt to significantly higher sea levels…

Rolling Stone Article: Obama’s Last Shot

While this is a relatively longer article than most I send out, it is an excellent piece on where we are right now in the US on Climate Change.     I know that there are folks that don’t even believe that the climate is changing and temperatures are getting warmer and refute the basic premise of this article (some…

This Science Should Be Pretty Motivating: But Will It Be?

This information is pretty self explanatory.  We’re heading headlong into very serious consequences and the conventional wisdom that things MAY change slowly is simply not adequate.  We need to quit emitting CO2 by mid century and be well along the way by 2030 if we are going to be able to cope with the adaptation necessary in any orderly, reasonable…

400 PPM: Two Months Earlier…But Who Cares? A Little Rant This Morning Because I’m Feeling Scared and Pissed Off

Well, here we are going down the road that 97% of scientists have told us we’re going to travel.  And it is happening faster than scientists were comfortable telling us would be the case but warned was very possible.  And yet we allow a small, but vocal, group of people who either deny that these scientifically proven events are occurring…

2014: The Tipping Point?

Happy New Year!  As we begin 2014 I am encouraged by this news below that researchers at Harvard have developed a technology that has the potential to store energy in vast amounts in an economically competitive way.     This will address the concerns that are often voiced to me from skeptics of solar and wind that ask what we are going…

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